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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Coming out across the hall!


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So I'm sort of having this fling with my neighbor, Which yes I realize is probably a bad idea, but what the hell, I'm doing a lot of crazy stupid shit in my life right now, lol. Anyway, so the other night, I was a little drunk, another bad idea, and we're in bed and he says something to the affect of "What really makes you horny?" And I say, "Oh, I can't tell you that." Well that started it! And he keeps after me and after me and starts guessing things and I start giving up litle hints. And the short end of it is he guessed it and I admitted it. Then I was like Mega Super embararred. He was like, "Well, I don't get that, but whatever works for you. Then he asked me a couple things which I don't really remember, but that was sort of the end of it.

Except...Now everytime he sneezes, which he does on a not terribly infrequent basis, he gives me these looks, like What did you think? Did that make you horny? And I turn bright red, and want to crawl in a hole! He did that today and I told him to shut up, and he just laughed at me and was like, "I didn't say anything..."

And the thing is his sneezes are ok, but they aren't like major super my type Hot.

Anyway, hopefully he'll get over the novelty soon.


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Ugh, I hate those looks! My husband and I were watching Myth Busters this weekend, and it was the viewer special where they tested if sneezing with your eyes open would make them pop out. My stupid husband kept staring at me like this. :laugh: Finally I yelled at him, and he said he was sorry. He said he just wanted to see my reaction. Sure... It's times like that when I wish he didn't know. He's such a butthole.

By the way, a fling with your neighbor? :lol: Just kidding! :blushing:

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Here's a goofy idea. :) In skating competitions the Judges grade by numbers, like 5.2 or whatever. Take two squares of cardboard and write 5.2 on them and whenever he sneezes just hold up the cards. :)

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Here's a goofy idea. :) In skating competitions the Judges grade by numbers, like 5.2 or whatever. Take two squares of cardboard and write 5.2 on them and whenever he sneezes just hold up the cards. :)

OMG! Laughing my fricking Ass off! That is soooo funny!!!!!!!! He'd probably get a kick out of that too. Shithead.


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