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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Tamara and Klunk

Teh Ninjin

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I thought of this because Pseudo and I were going to do a little roleplaying of it at some point. We already did a little drabble that turned out like. WONDERFUL XD But anyways. Two crap-tastic sketches? Yeah why not. Here ye'go. o_O;

and as an added bonus. >]

Bunnylicious Tamara <-- non fetish, but. still sexy XD


Tis crap. x_O;


Makes the other look good XD

and the bonus I'm actually proud of. sorry its non-fetish. but I thought you'd like to see.


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Very good, I like your draw's style :lol: but in the first you have draws the right hand on the contrary :lol: ..don't worry, it's only a little mistake.

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Very good, I like your draw's style :blushing: but in the first you have draws the right hand on the contrary :laugh: ..don't worry, it's only a little mistake.

Yeah, buddy. Your not perfect either >_> -insert z-snap here-

Edited by Baniira = MAD
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I'm starting to get into the habit of posting more and more *pats self on back* but I digress, the three drawings are well done, I, like many others, love your drawing style. As for the drawings at hand, the poses, the situations, the character: all 9/10 (I never post 10/10, for like the unicorn or the fire breathing platypus, perfection is but a myth). I know this is redundant, but most assuredly keep drawing :).

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Very good, I like your draw's style :) but in the first you have draws the right hand on the contrary :) ..don't worry, it's only a little mistake.

Yeah, buddy. Your not perfect either >_> -insert z-snap here-

I think he meant it in a more helpful critisism. :D Like, as a tip for next time in advancing in skills. And he isn't aiming at you as in "you are not perfect" its at that particular drawing :laugh:

By the way, SEXTASTIC pictures :)

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Tis crap. x_O;

'Tis not.

I love your artwork. And like Hippo said, I'm sure the criticism was MEANT to be helpful. Constructive criticism is really hard to do politely though, especially if English is not your first language which may be the case here. I can however see why you are upset.

Were you happy with the hand yourself or was it something you found really difficult? If one of the other really good artists on here (because yes I count you amongst them) were to say (perhaps in a quiet PM) "Hey I find hands really hard to draw but find x helpful" would you count that as being more constructive? I can't help in a technical way at all because you can already draw much better than I can. I presume however that her palm is pointing outwards and thus the hand is not the wrong way round.

I don't really know what else to say except Please don't leave. Your contributions are valuable.

Edited by Vetinari
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Tamara is my heroine! [and so is Vivikari]. Oh those sneezy pink noses, and the rest of them is pretty squidgy too. They are just so naughty. And getting squidgier and naughtier every time they appear.

So I hope that we shall see more of them again soon.

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Guest Silver Pixie Dust

... D:

Baniira is leaving the forums?

B... but... but... but...

I don't know her personally, but awh. D; Come back soon hun, yah? We love your art, it's not shitty. <3 I think it's amazing - it's about a billion times better than what I can draw.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST HAVE SEXY LADIES FROM BANIIRA!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:(:drool::drool::drool: YOUR ARTWORK IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Is it just me, or is the way Tamara's nose is drawn in the first pic, like, COMPLETELY PURRRRRFECT? Oh God I love it. Edit: Oh geez, no pun intended with the feline onomatopoeia there. :laugh:

You get major props from me Baniira, I have been drawing since I was a kid and I don't have the balls to post anything I've done here...and yes, I've done some fetish work...and regardless, none of it is as well-done as your sketches. :D

Edited by wroplinski
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Very good, I like your draw's style :cryhappy: but in the first you have draws the right hand on the contrary :lol: ..don't worry, it's only a little mistake.

Yeah, buddy. Your not perfect either >_> -insert z-snap here-

I don't think that you are imperfect..this is just an observation. :lol:

You are 14 and you draw more better of me that I am 21...I like really your style because is most different of mine.

I hope you are not angry with me..

Edited by StrongestSneeze
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