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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Cute College Obs (f)


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Hey all,

My school is gearing up for classes and there are a lot of freshmen on campus, getting into residence etc. I was there yesterday attending to some business, when a sound caught my attention.

"eeehhhhNGashooo!" It was about medium-pitch and very nasal, and the breath which led into it was very pronounced. I turned and identified the sneezer as one of two young East Asian girls, who appeared to be searching for classes. It quickly became clear it was the taller one I was interested in. She was wearing a preppy-yet-sexy little skirt, dark-framed glasses had a slim but womanly body with especially nice legs, and was gearing up for another.

What she did I found amazingly cute: instead of just turning away or holding up a hand, she put her index finger under her nose as if to stop the sneeze. She held it there for almost two seconds as she walked, eyes half-closed, nostrils flaring, mouth open, before sneezing a slightly louder “EEEeeNGshooo!”

Her friend shoved her playfully and said something in what sounded like Mandarin or Cantonese (sorry, I’m no expert), but she wasn’t done. With the second sneeze she’d stopped walking, and now, as her nose began to flare again, she quickly pulled a folded tissue out of her little black purse, buried her nose in it, and sneezed again, this time a high pitched “NNNishOOO,” this time bending slightly at the waist.

Her friend made some quip and she laughingly responded, while blowing her nose in quick side-to-side motions. She threw her tissue out and they walked away. Whole thing made me eager for classes;)

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Good first obs. There is a bit of a fanbase here for obs involving Asian women too.

Some of them seem a bit blase` about their sneezes. :lol:

Perhaps James and Nosferatu could give an opinion.

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Wow :lol: The fabled 'finger under the nose' pose. :lol:

Sexy! :lol:

You mean people actually do that in real life? No. Frickin'. Way. :lol:

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Wow :lol: The fabled 'finger under the nose' pose. :lol:

Sexy! :lol:

You mean people actually do that in real life? No. Frickin'. Way. :lol:

I know! I can't remember having seen it before.

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