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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Straight men who like male sneezes...


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Hey guys,

I've noticed that a number of women on this forum, despite being heterosexual, enjoy the sneezes of other women as well as of men. So far, as far as I know, no men have mentioned the parallel pattern.

I primarily enjoy female sneezes, but under certain circumstances, male sneezes can arouse me as well. It's occurred to me that this might be because I enjoy sneezing myself, and sort of enjoy it vicariously (as opposed to the female sneeze which I enjoy voyeuristically) when men sneeze.

But the circumstances under which I enjoy male sneezing have got me thinking - I need the guy to be attractive, fit and not overly masculine. He certainly doesn't have to be downright effeminate, but a beard would certainly throw it. Now under normal circumstances I have never been attracted to men. So I'm confused. Is it the vicarious thing, or do I have some kind of sneeze-specific bisexuality going on?

I wondered if any of the guys had noticed similar tendencies in themselves. And beyond that, if anybody had any thoughts I'd love to hear them. Thanks!

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Well... I dont live near any Straits... :blushing: however, I am a straight male :shocking: , and yes... the occasional male sneezing fit can bring about a sexual arousal.

I was playing blackjack at a Vegas Casino a few years back, when I heard this AWESOME sneezing fit from behind me. I mean... thru all the racket of a casino, I could hear big, breathy build ups... loud, powerful, wet sneezes.... for about 2 minutes! (had to have been a good 12 sneezes). Well, of course, I had to turn around (which is trick while playing cards) and this young, Latino man was having his fit about 20 feet behind me. (Now... if it would have been a young, Latina girl :wub: .... well.... Sternuto would probably be in prison right now :unsure: ).

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Yeah a lot of people say that, that everybody is a little bit bisexual. It's not an idea I'm uncomfortable with necessarily - its just that in terms of conventional, physical attraction I've never had a bisexual tendency, so I haven't known what to make of it. I'm certainly interested to hear that others have had the same experience though. Thanks folks.

And Fifi I think you're right, it seems unlikely that Judith Butler and Simone de Beauvoir ever anticipated the impact of sneeze fetishism on gender theory :shocking:

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I went through adolesence at an all male school and at the time could name several male sneezers that I was attracted to. In adult life I confess I have no interest in male sneezing and for the most part find it either having no effect on me whatsoever or I find it actively unarousing.

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This topic has come up on several other occasions where it was discussed including some polls that were conducted on this forum over the years. It has always fascinated me.

I think each time it has come up, it has been seemed that a significant percentage of straight women (guessing 40-60%) do appreciate sneezing from both sexes although they may differ a bit as to the setting in which they appreciate each gender and relatively how much.

But the percentage of straight men appreciating male sneezing is a much lower percentage...more like 5-10%.

At least that has been my impression.


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I don't feel arousal when men sneeze, but under the right circumstances I can find it very . . . interesting. (Not trying to be coy, I'm really not sure what you'd call it.)

Actually, I once had a next-door neighbor who was pretty good-lucking who would sneeze so loudly I could hear him through the walls. His sneezes were what I might consider a little sexy. Unfortunately, we wound up hating each other before we moved out. I guess good fences make good neighbors.

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The answer to this question is simple : don’t worry, it’s not as unusual as you might think. There may be far few men who like other men’s sneezes than women who appreciate women sneezing, but there are several straight men who have written about it on this forum, and who may well get in touch with you. r's estimation of between 5% and 10% is probably as close as you can get without any statistics being possible.

There was a thread about it lately, where other people gave their experiences, which you can find here: http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/in...c=23362&hl=

As one of the moderators of the Sneezing Males4Males site (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sneezingmales4males/), I have had conversations over the years with quite a few straight men who had some interest in other men sneezing, and the only common feature was really – how different each one was. Sometimes it was overtly sexual, but sometimes not. Most of them did not like the idea of talking about it to others, which can contribute to the idea that it is more uncommon than it actually is.

Your comments about the sort of man you like to see sneeze are interesting, and I think probably pretty individual. Almost any man sneezing will turn me on, which may relate to my orientation.

By the way, I really appreciated Sternuto’s comments and his talent for putting things over so well. And a real sneeze lover!

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The answer to this question is simple : don’t worry, it’s not as unusual as you might think. There may be far few men who like other men’s sneezes than women who appreciate women sneezing, but there are several straight men who have written about it on this forum, and who may well get in touch with you. r's estimation of between 5% and 10% is probably as close as you can get without any statistics being possible.

There was a thread about it lately, where other people gave their experiences, which you can find here: http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/in...c=23362&hl=

As one of the moderators of the Sneezing Males4Males site (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sneezingmales4males/), I have had conversations over the years with quite a few straight men who had some interest in other men sneezing, and the only common feature was really – how different each one was. Sometimes it was overtly sexual, but sometimes not. Most of them did not like the idea of talking about it to others, which can contribute to the idea that it is more uncommon than it actually is.

Your comments about the sort of man you like to see sneeze are interesting, and I think probably pretty individual. Almost any man sneezing will turn me on, which may relate to my orientation.

By the way, I really appreciated Sternuto’s comments and his talent for putting things over so well. And a real sneeze lover!

Thanks Atchoum,

Unlike the fellow who started the thread you mentioned, my main interest is in female sneezing. Interest in male sneezing is definitely secondary, although it's also definitely there. But then, this only confirms your point - that there's a great deal of variety amongst us. I guess none of us would be here if we felt too strong a need to be sexually "mainstream."

About my taste in male sneezers, I can only think of one thing: It's a nurture thing. The ideal male sneeze, to me at least, has an attentive female interlocutor. I think this is because I find it arousing to be blessed by a woman. For this reason scenarios of sneezy male student and female teacher are extremely arousing to me - the woman is in the position of power/nurture. So clearly, its ruined if the man is too conspicuously macho. Conversely, when a man blesses a man, my skin crawls.

Again, thanks to everyone for your helpful and interesting comments.

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The answer to this question is simple : don’t worry, it’s not as unusual as you might think. There may be far few men who like other men’s sneezes than women who appreciate women sneezing, but there are several straight men who have written about it on this forum, and who may well get in touch with you. r's estimation of between 5% and 10% is probably as close as you can get without any statistics being possible.

There was a thread about it lately, where other people gave their experiences, which you can find here: http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/in...c=23362&hl=

As one of the moderators of the Sneezing Males4Males site (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sneezingmales4males/), I have had conversations over the years with quite a few straight men who had some interest in other men sneezing, and the only common feature was really – how different each one was. Sometimes it was overtly sexual, but sometimes not. Most of them did not like the idea of talking about it to others, which can contribute to the idea that it is more uncommon than it actually is.

Your comments about the sort of man you like to see sneeze are interesting, and I think probably pretty individual. Almost any man sneezing will turn me on, which may relate to my orientation.

By the way, I really appreciated Sternuto’s comments and his talent for putting things over so well. And a real sneeze lover!

Interesting indeed! I would never have thought of that. But that's why the forum is so fascinating, all the different kicks we get out of sneezing. I rather get a kick hearing about other peoples kicks....

Thanks Atchoum,

Unlike the fellow who started the thread you mentioned, my main interest is in female sneezing. Interest in male sneezing is definitely secondary, although it's also definitely there. But then, this only confirms your point - that there's a great deal of variety amongst us. I guess none of us would be here if we felt too strong a need to be sexually "mainstream."

About my taste in male sneezers, I can only think of one thing: It's a nurture thing. The ideal male sneeze, to me at least, has an attentive female interlocutor. I think this is because I find it arousing to be blessed by a woman. For this reason scenarios of sneezy male student and female teacher are extremely arousing to me - the woman is in the position of power/nurture. So clearly, its ruined if the man is too conspicuously macho. Conversely, when a man blesses a man, my skin crawls.

Again, thanks to everyone for your helpful and interesting comments.

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Guest sneezer19

HEy bro whats up... well guess what you are not the only one who finds male sneezes attractive.. I have that same thing as well and i always thought i was like the only one lol but i guessed wrong... its cool that you shared this here because now that you did i can say the same thing as you =] ... and there are times in which i like to talk to males about sneezing and what not you know.. but it's hard sometimes because it's not that easy to find a male who would be interested into talking about each other's sneezing.. so yea bro it's all good.. =] hey by the way, it would be really cool if one of these days we could chat or something... well thats if you want.. any who, my yahoo messenger is zero30021 and i have aim as well.. hope to hear from ya bro.. take care... adios...

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While my own personal experience is completely useless here seeing as I'm about as crooked as you can get, I HAVE heard other straight identified, male identified, human identified beings mention similar feelings to yours. The percentage seems to be much less than that of straight women liking and sometimes even prefering female sneezes, you are definitely not the ONLY straight guy on here who at least sometimes finds male sneezes attractive.

Personally, I think everyone has "bisexual tendencies" or whatever you want to call it. I know very few people, male and female who have not admitted to there being at least one or two "acceptions" to whatever their sexual orientation is. *stops RIGHT now before xe starts getting into serious gender/sex theory nonsense*

I'm a straight women who prefers female sneezes, and while I have on occasion felt attracted to certain women, I've never desired a relationship with them. So I don't consider myself bisexual. I think that depends on how to define bisexual, whether it's attraction to both (or more) genders or dating equally/having relationships among them.

Good question Morningsmith, I look forward to reading more of the answers.

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I went through adolesence at an all male school and at the time could name several male sneezers that I was attracted to. In adult life I confess I have no interest in male sneezing and for the most part find it either having no effect on me whatsoever or I find it actively unarousing.

Much the same story for me; but I do still find some male sneezes at least interesting; in some ways I agree with morningsmith about which ones still work, or perhaps always did; but I wonder about another possibility; namely that I liked and like sneezes that are girly. So what makes a sneeze girly; I don't know, but we all seem to; room for anohter topic, perhaps; certainly I don't ever remember finding very masculine sneeze s attractive, yet from the age of four onwards I loved girly sneezes, even from boys.

And, wheth her because of the sneezes or not, I was quite emotionally and even occasionally physically involved with both sexes; yet for a long time now I have had virtually no interest in men. PerhapsI'll pluck up courage to post in the homophobia thread now that I've seen the error of my ways.

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