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Sneeze Fetish Forum

OMG He did it in bed!


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So I'm in bed the other night with my neighbor and we're just cuddling and stuff, facing eachother, when he suddenly twists halfway away and does IT! Yes, that! He sneezed, right there while we were up against eachother. OMG! I just about died. He knows about my fetish, because i was a little drunk and sort of told him a few days ago. Anyway, he sort of twists away to be facing upwards and brings his hand up and half stifles a sneeze. Ususally his sneezes are kind of big and a little higher pitched, and they're not actually my favorite, but what the heck. But this was like deeper and not as drawn out, as he half stifled it. It was totally sexy. I like buried myself in him, and he gives me this odd, surprised and then says, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." And gives me this evil grin. It was actually very funny. Needless to say the night progressed....


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An in-bed sneeze! Very nice. I can't imagine how it might have progressed though. :D

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He he he, whenever hubby does that in bed, things progress as well! I love it that he did a sneeze, that you thought was hot, because he kind of forgot about your fetish and was doing it in bed! Very hawt!!! :laugh: Thank you for sharing! :D

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