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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Story request (f)


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I know that harry potter is a popular fanfic genre, but I really really love the idea of stories about Hermione Granger sneezing. Either from allergies or a cold. I know there are some stories out there, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be new ones, right? :lol: Anyway, I like a story with lots of sneezing, build-ups and handkerchief use. Thanks SOOOOOO much to whoever wants to take my request!!! Oh, also if anyone is interested, I think a sneezy story about Jane from Disney's tarzan might be cool too. Same likes for a story here as well. Sooo..... any takers for either request? :cryhappy::lol:

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I know that harry potter is a popular fanfic genre, but I really really love the idea of stories about Hermione Granger sneezing. Either from allergies or a cold. I know there are some stories out there, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be new ones, right? :laugh: Anyway, I like a story with lots of sneezing, build-ups and handkerchief use. Thanks SOOOOOO much to whoever wants to take my request!!! Oh, also if anyone is interested, I think a sneezy story about Jane from Disney's tarzan might be cool too. Same likes for a story here as well. Sooo..... any takers for either request? :D:)

I could work on a Hermoine HP fic. Give me a little more input: other characters you'd like included? Any specific book or scene?

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I'd like to see this as well! I've been searching for Hermionie (sp?) sneeze-fics, and as many ' Potter fics as there are out there, very few feature a sick, allergic or otherwise just sneezy Herminie (how the hell do you spell that?!). I don't see myself writing one (I'm stuck on anime stuff for now :D ) but I would read that one rather enthusiastically.

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I know that harry potter is a popular fanfic genre, but I really really love the idea of stories about Hermione Granger sneezing. Either from allergies or a cold. I know there are some stories out there, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be new ones, right? :omg: Anyway, I like a story with lots of sneezing, build-ups and handkerchief use. Thanks SOOOOOO much to whoever wants to take my request!!! Oh, also if anyone is interested, I think a sneezy story about Jane from Disney's tarzan might be cool too. Same likes for a story here as well. Sooo..... any takers for either request? :winkkiss::lol:

I could work on a Hermoine HP fic. Give me a little more input: other characters you'd like included? Any specific book or scene?

Thanks!! If I had to pick another character it would probably be .... Ron, only because of thier relationship. As for a specific book or scene, maybe at some point in the sixth book. Maybe the dusty moldy books in the library are getting to her allergies, or its spring and her allergies are acting up. Or she has a horrible sneezy winter cold. And either Ron wants to take care of her or he enjoys her sneezing and trys to make her sneeze more? I hope these suggestions help. Let me know if you want more specifics. I don't want to tell you how to write the story exactly, so I'm trying to leave you as much creative room as possible. Have fun with it! And thanks again. :unsure:

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:laugh::drool: :drool: ^_^:blushing::lol: !!!!! Please do! I thought this story was wonderful!! Thankyou so much for doing such a great job with my request, and for taking it on in the first place! Please, please continue the story! :)
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It's up in the stories section. I could develop it more if you like it. :D

Yes, please! What you've got so far is wonderful. There's so much that can happen in that house... I'd love to see where it could go!

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