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What the...!?


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Ok, so my sister had a friend staying at our house yesterday. This friend, L, is one of the few anime lovers outside the Internet that I know, so she’s the only one I can discuss my anime obsession with. Anyway, I was sitting by the computer and L was standing beside me, and we were talking about our favourite characters and doing some serious fan-girling when she suddenly got this eager look on her face and said:

“Hey, I know a character you would like: (insert some character from Naruto here)!”

I haven’t seen Naruto and I don’t plan to see it, but L’s obsessed with that series and she’s always trying to persuade me to watch it. Anyway, I can’t remember the name of the character now, because what she said afterwards totally scared the shit out of me:

“I know you’d love him! He looks like this, and acts like this, and does this blah, blah, blah… and he has a cold in one episode!

I froze. I can imagine the look on my face in that second, it must have been like :) . But she didn’t seem to notice, just continued happily: “He walks around with a handkerchief and goes *couch, sniffle, sneeze!*. You would love it!”


I laughed and said something like: “Oh, is that so?” :D trying to sound casual, not daring to look at her, and then I hurriedly changed subject.

WTF?! I have never told her about the fetish! I haven’t told anyone about it! Was it just a strange coincidence? It can’t possibly have been that obvious…could it? :unsure: < - - - Please don’t kill me for asking that question. I KNOW we’re often being overly paranoid about this fetish, and that it really isn’t that obvious to non-fetishists. That’s why I’m so confused.

WHY? HOW? :laugh:

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Guest Forsaken

i doubt she knows to be honest, dont worry yourself :), it seems to me like she just thinks it was cute or something, and everyone likes cute stuff, right? :laugh:.

hope it turns out ok :D:unsure:

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She probably just thought it was cute and assumed you would think so too if you watched the series. Someone put me in a similar situation a while ago, and it was completely innocent. I wouldn't worry. :D

Edited by Emelda
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I wouldn't worry too much, hon. :hug: Many of us have encountered similar situations and they have proved to be the products of viewing things from a fetishist's point of view. :cryhappy:

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Wow. Yeah, that whould a freaked the hell out of me too. Mad kudos for playing it cool. I'm sure everyone else is right, but I can def see why you were freaked by it.

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I wish I knew who they were talking about, don't remember that part. :o

Awww, I wouldn't worry about it (...because it wasn't me! Ahaha! Sorry, watching Cars too much... :hug:), it sounds harmless enough. I won't lie, I would have freaked out like crazy if it was me. :cryhappy:

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Aw, thanks guys :cryhappy: I'm not so much worried as I am WTFconfused and curious to know if she really knows about the fetish, and, if that is the case, HOW the heck she figured me out.

Gah, I wish I could remember the name of the character! :hug: But there's no way I would dare to ask her about it now. Hmm... Heh, maybe that was her evil plan from the beginning? To use my fetish against me and make me so curious that I would HAVE to watch the damn thing! :o

Edited by VoOs
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Yikes. It is nerve-wracking when comments are made, and you have to sit and wonder if they do know.

Is it something where the person has read things you've written? I have a friend who used to read my romance manuscripts, who would make comments on the sneezy parts, but she still didn't really know about my fetish, until I actually told her. She just knew that I was fascinated with sneezing.

Hopefully, this person just noticed something about you, and called it to your attention. And it is still possible that she doesn't know.

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I know what I'm about to say is probably NOT in any way true, I'm just being slightly facetious and the idea popped up into my head and I thought it would be funny if this were the case.

Wouldn't it be MAD if the friend actually had the fetish and was trying to confess it? And then they would be like "Damn, I was trying to tell my friend about my fetish and they kept changing the bloody subject!"

Okay, that was dumb. I don't even know why I felt compelled to type that......

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I know what I'm about to say is probably NOT in any way true, I'm just being slightly facetious and the idea popped up into my head and I thought it would be funny if this were the case.

Wouldn't it be MAD if the friend actually had the fetish and was trying to confess it? And then they would be like "Damn, I was trying to tell my friend about my fetish and they kept changing the bloody subject!"

Okay, that was dumb. I don't even know why I felt compelled to type that......

This is sooo true! And it wasn't dumb! If I had known about others like me years ago, I probably wouldn't have felt so awkward about it, and perhaps I wouldn't have a mental block about sneezing.

And I feel that no matter what "group" you fit into sexually, there will always be people out there who will make fun of it. That goes for more than just sexual hang-ups and fetishes. I mean, no matter what you are into, there is always someone out there, waiting to make fun of you.

Edited by Sneesee
Sneesee can't spell!
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I know what I'm about to say is probably NOT in any way true, I'm just being slightly facetious and the idea popped up into my head and I thought it would be funny if this were the case.

Wouldn't it be MAD if the friend actually had the fetish and was trying to confess it? And then they would be like "Damn, I was trying to tell my friend about my fetish and they kept changing the bloody subject!"

Okay, that was dumb. I don't even know why I felt compelled to type that......

This is sooo true! And it wasn't dumb! If I had known about others like me years ago, I probably wouldn't have felt so awkward about it, and perhaps I wouldn't have a mental block about sneezing.

And I feel that no matter what "group" you fit into sexually, there will always be people out there who will make fun of it. That goes for more than just sexual hang-ups and fetishes. I mean, no matter what you are into, there is always someone out there, waiting to make fun of you.

I agree it's not dumb. Because I was wondering if she has the fetish too. Incidentally when I was younger (probably much younger that VoOS but I can't remember) I knew I liked sneezing and assumed other people felt the same. If she has the nurturing thing maybe she thinks it makes guys more appealing and assumes you would feel the same. Either way it doesn't sound like she was trying to catch you out to me. If she does know, she appears to just accepts it in quite a cool way.

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Oh, sounds really scary! :D But you know, the first thing that came into my mind when reading your post was that maybe she has noticed that you like... cute things. :nosebleed: Anime characters always get sick and are cute and miserable, for me it looks like it was a quite basic "cute-hook" there. And for another anime lover it might appear just so natural that some people who like cute things might take that bait, and as there's nothing strange about that, so it's not so strange to say that kind of things either... I dunno, just wondering and probably not making sense... :dead:

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