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Not during MY lecture! (f)


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Oh man, that's hilarious! Cool prof. Poor girl!

(And yeah, WTF?! After 10 tiems times or whatever - just SHUT THE HELL UP, RIGHT? If she's any more blessed, she'll rise right out of her seat and disappear through the ceiling! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!)

Edited by Niceguy
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This made me laugh! I totally knew that you going back to college was going to be fun! And funny how his yelling made her stop sneezing! And what's the deal with compulsive blessers? Hey, I feel sort of like Jerry Seinfeld right now. :o

I bet after his little outburst about blessing, you like Professor McCrazy even more! :wheels:

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Your professor is pure awesome for that.

And I'm not the only one who HATES compulsive blessers? Excellent. I thought I was weird for wanting to stab people who felt the need to do it every single time during a fit. :wheels:

Edited by Emelda
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Oh gods, no! I DESPISE compulsive blessers with an unholy passion! :wheels: McCrazy is ALL KINDS of awesome for that, I must say! In fact, I can't stand it when people bless someone every single time during a massive fit as if it's their sworn duty to do so! :o

Whoo, high-five! :laugh:


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If she's any more blessed, she'll rise right out of her seat and disappear through the ceiling! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!)


That is amazing. I love that McCrazy did something about it! Seriously, that'd get on my nerves, too.

And down with compulsive blessers! They drive me nuts, too.

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This was one of the most amusing obs I've read in quite a while! The only thing that kept me from laughing harder than I did was my sympathy for that girl. I would've died of embarrassment if a crazy kilted man yelled at someone because of my wee bit of an allergy! B)

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Hehehe, he's SO my favorite professor! B) For those who are wondering, the girl wasn't embarrassed at all. She was actually GRATEFUL that he barked at everyone to shut the hell up. I was standing by his desk after class to ask him about some book we're reading and she came up to him and said that....and I quote: "Thanks for that. I wish people would just pretend not to notice when I start sneezing. I'm not in church. I don't need the blessing." :otfriendly:

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He lectures in a kilt? I don't suppose he enters playing the bagpipes and has bright red hair and a beard...?

Lovely story; and I don't think I've ever heard anyone bless anyone else during a lecture; except possibly in a tiny whisper; so perhaps it's more of a local tradition which he is not used to [ and not likely to be, either].

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That's the funniest thing I think I've ever read about a college professor.

I had some crazy professors as well, but that guy just rocks. He says the stuff that people are afraid to say.

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What does he wear under his kilt? Is he a true Scotsman I wonder?????? :whistle:

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He lectures in a kilt? I don't suppose he enters playing the bagpipes and has bright red hair and a beard...?

LOL, he would eat you ALIVE for that stereotype, dear Count! :magic: While Scotland does have the highest concentration of redheaded people in the world, it is not the predominant hair color. McCrazy has black hair and is clean-shaven. :whistle:

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He lectures in a kilt? I don't suppose he enters playing the bagpipes and has bright red hair and a beard...?

LOL, he would eat you ALIVE for that stereotype, dear Count! :laugh: While Scotland does have the highest concentration of redheaded people in the world, it is not the predominant hair color. McCrazy has black hair and is clean-shaven. :)

yum.... a hebridian! (not necessarily, but that's where the "black blue eyed" scots tend to be descended from (lowlander, rather than the blonde or redheaded highlanders). Although I suppose "Hebrides" is a rather narrow area to attribute that to.

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Those of you who saw the Duder show on YouTube may remember the character Zev Abrams declaring that after the third consecutive sneeze, according to Abrams' Law, there is no requirement to continue blessing and it goes into the realm of asking if they need a tissue etc.

Maybe a twelve step program for compulsive blessers could be initiated by Aku and her prof. I've seen some of these people on the bus and they really can't help themselves, maybe even more than the sneezers. ^_^

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We do all play the bagpipes though.

And you all talk like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers too, right? "GET IN MY BELLY!!!"

yum.... a hebridian! (not necessarily, but that's where the "black blue eyed" scots tend to be descended from (lowlander, rather than the blonde or redheaded highlanders). Although I suppose "Hebrides" is a rather narrow area to attribute that to.

Ha, he might be amused to be called a "hebridean." :hug: He does talk about the Hebridean Celtic Festival quite a bit, however! Still, it's like saying that American women are all "blue-eyed blondes" and all American men wear baseball caps, I guess.

McCrazy doesn't have blue eyes, either. They're green. :)


Edited by Akutenshi
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