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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Vacuum sneezing


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Ok it's been ages that i posted a self ob ... on the one hand because i sneeze like NEVER EVER. And on the other hand cause if i do it's usually really boring :laugh:.

As a foreword you might find that really boring as well .. it was more one of those "situation-funny" moments that you have to witness to find it funny. And i'm really messy so if you can't take messy rooms don't read on :nohappy:. Furthermore the sneeze in it is only one single boring thing .. and i might ramble a lot (at least for my standards) before. But if you want to read it anyway go on :laugh:.

Anyways .. some while ago something happened that i actually though .. was kinda funny .. well at least it cracked up myself so much i actually giggled out loud. And people who know me or ever talked to me, know thats really something rare as well. So the last few days were cleaning days (again something really rare do you see a pattern :lol: ?) and i actually cleaned my room kinda from top to bottom. Yes i needed several days for that. I'm really messy and i had tons of garbage and dirty clothes and whatnot through all my room :drool:. And most of all A LOT of dust. I kid you not when i say you probably never ever saw that much dust on one place in your life before (somehow i don't think that is something i should sound proud of .. :lol: but anyway .. ). So today was the turn of kind of the last part of my floor. Under my bed. Ok seriously .. i haven't cleaned there for eternities .. certainly longer than i'm even signed up to this forum .. probably about 6 year or longer. I know i always say dust doesn't do anything for me .. and well it doesn't i mean while cleaning through the rest of my room i didn't sneeze once. And while it is always dusty in it it doesn't affect me the slightest bit. I even tried inhaling dust before (don't ask :lol:) but it didn't really work. Today was somehow different though. Or maybe it was the sheer amount of dust ... i mean i'm not exaggerating the slightest bit when i say the dust-layer was about as thick as my hand :drool:. But i was brave, took the super most effective weapon against dust (called vacuum cleaner) and dived into the depths of dust under my bed. So while i was almost crawling around on the floor probably stirring up shitloads of dust and vacuuming the other half away it suddenly stroke me. "EEEEEEeeeeee tickle !" before i could think that thought to the end it was already happening though. I squinted my eyes and let out a wet sounding (god i seriously can't spell my own sneezes .. and the vacuum was loud as well so i didn't really hear it but .. ) Hatshh-sltk-sltk-sltk :bleh::laugh: yes i know it sounds really weird .. but bear in mind i actually had the vacuum cleaner in one hand and since i lifted both hands kind of out reflex i kind of sneezed into it :laugh:. And it gave out that weird sltk-sltk-sltk sound like when you vacuum liquid or spilled sugar or whatever .. i really can't explain it .. :swaetdrop:. Anyway the sound cracked me up so much i thought i would post it sorry if i bored the crap out of you all :bleh:.

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Your room reminds me a lot of my room (although I just cleaned it about a month ago and haven't been there in well, about a month since I've been busy other places getting slightly homesick *sigh*, so it's actually still clean.)

Great obs, and totally not boring :drool:

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Oh my god! A self obs from Mirf! That truly is a rare thing. Almost as rare as the idea of Mirf CLEANING anything. :drool: It's extra special coming from you because it's so rare. By the way, you should invite me over the next time you clean up dust. I think you know why. :drool:

So now I just want to know who has sneezed more times so far in 2007. You or Sneesee? Inducing doesn't count!

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Awwww, Mirf! Don't you know that even one sneeze from a non-sneezy person like yourself is EXTRA-SPECIAL? :drool:

And, well, how many natural sneezes is that for you this year? I only had two, to answer VFP's question. So, if that was more than two, then you are beating me! :drool:

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And, well, how many natural sneezes is that for you this year? I only had two, to answer VFP's question. So, if that was more than two, then you are beating me! :winkkiss:

I had two while reading this thread! :lol: Come on, Sneesee. You can do better than that.

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Awwwwwwww ... all you guys :)

I hope this encourages you to write more :hug:

The slight problem is .. there isn't really "more" to write :group:

And, well, how many natural sneezes is that for you this year? I only had two, to answer VFP's question. So, if that was more than two, then you are beating me! :whistle:

I think i'm with 3 .. all honestly i'm terrible remembering really .. so maybe 1 more or less .. but i think i'm with 3 so i'm ahead :magic:

Thanks for all the nice responses though :hug:

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Awwwwwwww ... all you guys :laugh:
I hope this encourages you to write more :lol:

The slight problem is .. there isn't really "more" to write :laugh:

I didn't mean necessarily self-obs or even obs in general. Just want to see you around more :)

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