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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Better With Age?


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Hi all,

I was thinking back to my childhood, pre web and as many of us have mentioned over the years we may have enjoyed sneezing, but never had a place to discuss it so we all enjoyed the random sneezing conversations with friends as our only chance to talk sneezes. I have a few questions below to see how people felt about sneezing as kids and now.

1. Did you yourself like to sneeze as a kid?

2. Do you still enjoy sneezing yourself now?

3. Has the number of sneezes you do now in a row changed since you were a kid? How many then and now?

4. Did you have alleriges as a kid that are gone now or vice versa?

5. How did you enjoy sneezing as a kid? (i.e. talking with friends, watching others etc...)

6. How do you enjoy sneezing now?

7. Did you induce sneezes as a kid or did you only start to induce as a teen or adult?

8. Does your sneeze sound the same now as it did when you were a kid or is it different? How?

9. Were you at all open about your love of sneezing as a child? ie. parents knew, select friends knew)

10. Do you wish you had someone as a childhood friend that you could have sneezed with? or did you enjoy the privacy of it?

11. Do you find now as an adult that your enjoyment of sneezing is declining or do you enjoy it more and more each year?

12. How have the websites, stories, wav's, personal observations changed the way you feel about sneezing now as oppose to then?

13. Have you ever made wav's? do you share them on the sites or keep them private?

14. If you yourself like to sneeze around what age did you really start to enjoy your own sneezing?

15. Have you ever hoped that someone was watching you sneeze and enjoyed it either as a child or adult?

16. Do you enjoy interactive sneezing(I.e. someone holding your nose to help you stifle, someone inducing your own sneezes)

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.

Happy Sneezing!!


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1. Did you yourself like to sneeze as a kid?

No. In fact, I always hated when I sneezed and someone said "bless you".

2. Do you still enjoy sneezing yourself now?

I do enjoy sneezing now. Often times I wish I could still sneeze in front of people.

3. Has the number of sneezes you do now in a row changed since you were a kid? How many then and now?

It's pretty similar...possibly a few more in a row now, though.

4. Did you have alleriges as a kid that are gone now or vice versa?

Yes, now and then.

5. How did you enjoy sneezing as a kid? (i.e. talking with friends, watching others etc...)

I loved both talking with friends about sneezing, but moreso watching (and hearing) others sneeze.

6. How do you enjoy sneezing now?

In all ways....visual, auditory, feeling, and talking about it.

7. Did you induce sneezes as a kid or did you only start to induce as a teen or adult?

I started inducing sneezes when I was 17, at a time when I was having allergies, but was unable to sneeze even so. To get the feeling out I'd induce the sneezes. Since then, I've realized that I enjoy inducing, so I continue every once in a while. Although, as a kid, I did once try to indcue a sneeze in my friend...almost.

8. Does your sneeze sound the same now as it did when you were a kid or is it different? How?

Similar...maybe louder...a bit wetter.

9. Were you at all open about your love of sneezing as a child? ie. parents knew, select friends knew)

Yes. I was TOO open. I just couldn't understand what was weird about it. However, as I got a bit older (although not quite adult, like 11-15) I became very ashamed of my fetish...I didn't even know that it was a fetish though. So I hid it.

10. Do you wish you had someone as a childhood friend that you could have sneezed with? or did you enjoy the privacy of it?

Yes. I definitely wished there was someone there like me. However, there was when I was about 11, but only briefly at a camp...we didn't really keep in touch. Although we never got the chance to sneeze with each other. We just chatted about our love for sneezes.

11. Do you find now as an adult that your enjoyment of sneezing is declining or do you enjoy it more and more each year?

I think I either enjoy it the same..maybe more.

12. How have the websites, stories, wav's, personal observations changed the way you feel about sneezing now as oppose to then?

I feel like I enjoy sneezes more now. I feel less ashamed of my fetish.

13. Have you ever made wav's? do you share them on the sites or keep them private?

I have made a few wavs. Private? Hec no! lol

14. If you yourself like to sneeze around what age did you really start to enjoy your own sneezing?

I couldn't put an exact age to it..possibly around age 13 or 14 though.

15. Have you ever hoped that someone was watching you sneeze and enjoyed it either as a child or adult?

No, not as a child. However, now I wish I could sneeze in front of people. I love to hear "bless you". Sometimes over the phone I'll induce a random sneeze just so the friend I am talking to tells me, "bless you".

16. Do you enjoy interactive sneezing(I.e. someone holding your nose to help you stifle, someone inducing your own sneezes)

Yes, very much so. Especially if I am inducing the sneezes for them. Either way works, though.

Hope that answered your questions well :yes:


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1. Did you yourself like to sneeze as a kid? Not really.

2. Do you still enjoy sneezing yourself now? Well, seeing as how I didn't enjoy it as a kid, I couldn't say that I "still" enjoy it NOW, but I've learned to enjoy it, yes. :)

3. Has the number of sneezes you do now in a row changed since you were a kid? How many then and now? Nope.

4. Did you have alleriges as a kid that are gone now or vice versa? Never had them and still don't.

5. How did you enjoy sneezing as a kid? (i.e. talking with friends, watching others etc...) All of the above LOL!

6. How do you enjoy sneezing now? I prefer auditory over anything else, but writing fiction is (and always has been) my primary method of "enjoyment."

7. Did you induce sneezes as a kid or did you only start to induce as a teen or adult? I've done it for as long as I can remember.

8. Does your sneeze sound the same now as it did when you were a kid or is it different? How? I think I have a sharper, more defined sound now than I did as a kid, but if you think about it, that's usually the case with most people. One gets a "definite" sound as they get older.

9. Were you at all open about your love of sneezing as a child? ie. parents knew, select friends knew) Everyone knew. :laugh:

10. Do you wish you had someone as a childhood friend that you could have sneezed with? or did you enjoy the privacy of it? Actually....I grew up with another sneeze fetishists. :laugh: Seriously, I did! He was my best friend.

11. Do you find now as an adult that your enjoyment of sneezing is declining or do you enjoy it more and more each year? Oh, it gets more intense every year and I love that.

12. How have the websites, stories, wav's, personal observations changed the way you feel about sneezing now as oppose to then? A little. I'm pickier than I used to be because I know I can find pretty much whatever I want now.

13. Have you ever made wav's? do you share them on the sites or keep them private? Yeah, I've made them. I only share with close friends.

14. If you yourself like to sneeze around what age did you really start to enjoy your own sneezing? Only about 2 years ago, honestly.

15. Have you ever hoped that someone was watching you sneeze and enjoyed it either as a child or adult? Oh god, NEVER.

16. Do you enjoy interactive sneezing(I.e. someone holding your nose to help you stifle, someone inducing your own sneezes) Argh, no way. Don't touch me! :lol:

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This is a quite interesting survey.

1. Did you yourself like to sneeze as a kid? Yes -- but not in a sexual way.

2. Do you still enjoy sneezing yourself now? Sometimes (when it's not due to allergies, because of what that does to me physically).

3. Has the number of sneezes you do now in a row changed since you were a kid? How many then and now? Yes. Then -- almost always two in a row. Now, it varies. Typically one if it's just dust tickling my nose, but if my allergies are a problem, then it can be more, or a lot more, than that.

4. Did you have allergies as a kid that are gone now or vice versa? Never had allergies as a kid, but always wanted them. Have them now, and will give them away to whoever wants them! :laugh:

5. How did you enjoy sneezing as a kid? (i.e. talking with friends, watching others etc...) I was too shy to talk to friends about it, but I watched avidly, both my female friends (with allergies) and, later, my allergic boyfriend. Also (I am bad), when I slept over at an allergic female friend's house, in the morning I would take my long hair and tickle her nose with it, hoping that it would make her sneeze! (sadly, it never did)

6. How do you enjoy sneezing now? Any way I can! :)

7. Did you induce sneezes as a kid or did you only start to induce as a teen or adult? As a kid, the only way I induced was with an allergic female friend, by holding flowers up to our noses (and for me, looking at the sun). I didn't really consider it inducing, though; just encouraging her to sneeze. I had to sneeze, myself, to pretend that I didn't actually want just her to sneeze. Other than that, I've only induced after I found this site.

8. Does your sneeze sound the same now as it did when you were a kid or is it different? How? My allergy sneezes sound different; three syllable (HuhISShhooo) as opposed to "normal" sneezes being two syllable (Huh-schoo).

9. Were you at all open about your love of sneezing as a child? (ie. parents knew, select friends knew) No way! Eek! Too shy.

10. Do you wish you had someone as a childhood friend that you could have sneezed with? or did you enjoy the privacy of it? I did sneeze with the friend I referred to in answer # 7 -- but I don't think she knew about my fetish. At least I don't think so.

11. Do you find now as an adult that your enjoyment of sneezing is declining or do you enjoy it more and more each year? I definitely enjoy it more each year. Lots of things I haven't heard, seen, or done before that other creatives types have discovered.

12. How have the websites, stories, wav's, personal observations changed the way you feel about sneezing now as opposed to then? Much, much more intense about the fetish. Obsessed, almost.

13. Have you ever made wav's? do you share them on the sites or keep them private? Nope, never have.

14. If you yourself like to sneeze around what age did you really start to enjoy your own sneezing? I didn't enjoy my own sneezing sexually until I developed allergies a couple of years ago. That really opened the floodgates. . . . . :laugh:

15. Have you ever hoped that someone was watching you sneeze and enjoyed it either as a child or adult? Not really. It isn't a big deal to me for someone to see me, but on the other hand I didn't hope that someone was watching and enjoying it. I would very much enjoy seeing their reaction, though.

16. Do you enjoy interactive sneezing (i.e., someone holding your nose to help you stifle, someone inducing your own sneezes)? I never have really tried it, but I'd like to, and I wonder what that would be like.

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Guest Xylaphone

1. Did you yourself like to sneeze as a kid?

I don't think so

2. Do you still enjoy sneezing yourself now?

In solitude,yes

3. Has the number of sneezes you do now in a row changed since you were a kid? How many then and now?

Not really, still about the same

4. Did you have alleriges as a kid that are gone now or vice versa?


5. How did you enjoy sneezing as a kid? (i.e. talking with friends, watching others etc...)

heh. :) I used to ask my friends to sneeze for me and talk about their allergies

6. How do you enjoy sneezing now?

I enjoy it a lot :laugh:

7. Did you induce sneezes as a kid or did you only start to induce as a teen or adult?

In my teens I started inducing

8. Does your sneeze sound the same now as it did when you were a kid or is it different? How?

I used to sneeze loudly as a kid but I tend to sneeze quietly, especially in public.

9. Were you at all open about your love of sneezing as a child? ie. parents knew, select friends knew)

nah,although I did tell my mom about it in my tweens. Surprisingly she already knew about it. Mother's intuition I guess.

10. Do you wish you had someone as a childhood friend that you could have sneezed with? or did you enjoy the privacy of it? At the time I probolay would have liked to have had a buddy to share with.

11. Do you find now as an adult that your enjoyment of sneezing is declining or do you enjoy it more and more each year? I think I would die if I EVER stopped enjoying it. If anything, each year I find new ways to enjoy it.

12. How have the websites, stories, wav's, personal observations changed the way you feel about sneezing now as oppose to then?

All these things have awakened my desires and helped me not feel so freakishly wrong as oppose to the time

when I was willing to force myself to stop liking sneezes.

13. Have you ever made wav's? do you share them on the sites or keep them private?

I think I made one for myself once but not for the public. I perfer privacy. :laugh:

14. If you yourself like to sneeze around what age did you really start to enjoy your own sneezing?

In my teens

15. Have you ever hoped that someone was watching you sneeze and enjoyed it either as a child or adult?


16. Do you enjoy interactive sneezing(I.e. someone holding your nose to help you stifle, someone inducing your own sneezes) No...unless their invisible, then I don't mind.

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1. Did you yourself like to sneeze as a kid?

I believe so, but never in front of anyone.

2. Do you still enjoy sneezing yourself now?

Very much

3. Has the number of sneezes you do now in a row changed since you were a kid? How many then and now?

I honestly can't remember.

4. Did you have alleriges as a kid that are gone now or vice versa?

I never had allergies as a kid. I suffered briefly for a few years a while back and then seemed to out grow them.

5. How did you enjoy sneezing as a kid? (i.e. talking with friends, watching others etc...)

Privately my own. Other people I found it uncomfortable.

6. How do you enjoy sneezing now?

In everyway shape & form. :P

7. Did you induce sneezes as a kid or did you only start to induce as a teen or adult?

I actually started to induce around the age of 8 or so.

8. Does your sneeze sound the same now as it did when you were a kid or is it different? How?

I'm sure it sounds different, but I can't really describe how.

9. Were you at all open about your love of sneezing as a child? ie. parents knew, select friends knew)

God no. I wasn't open about it at all.

10. Do you wish you had someone as a childhood friend that you could have sneezed with? or did you enjoy the privacy of it?

I did actually show my cousin how to induce. We'd do it together occassionally when we were younger.

11. Do you find now as an adult that your enjoyment of sneezing is declining or do you enjoy it more and more each year?

I enjoy it more and more. Especially, since I've really discovered the fetish.

12. How have the websites, stories, wav's, personal observations changed the way you feel about sneezing now as oppose to then?

It's caused me to really embrass it and enjoy it.

13. Have you ever made wav's? do you share them on the sites or keep them private?

I've made them and I've kept them private for the most part. Don't tend to do that anymore.

14. If you yourself like to sneeze around what age did you really start to enjoy your own sneezing?

I honestly can't remember when it became enjoyable as to uncomfortable.

15. Have you ever hoped that someone was watching you sneeze and enjoyed it either as a child or adult?

As an adult. I certainly always wonder and/or imagine that someone is enjoying my sneezes as I do others.

16. Do you enjoy interactive sneezing(I.e. someone holding your nose to help you stifle, someone inducing your own sneezes)

Yes. I've done that with someone and enjoyed it quite a bit. ;)

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1. Did you yourself like to sneeze as a kid?i cant remember....i probably didnt mind it that much...as long as i wasnt around someone.

2. Do you still enjoy sneezing yourself now?dont know if i did when i was younger, but yeah...i do enjoy it now.

3. Has the number of sneezes you do now in a row changed since you were a kid? How many then and now? dont think it has that much....i usually sneeze 4-6 times.

4. Did you have alleriges as a kid that are gone now or vice versa?never had em.

5. How did you enjoy sneezing as a kid? (i.e. talking with friends, watching others etc...)i remember once i tried to get one of my friends to sneeze by looking at the sun at one point... :bleh:

6. How do you enjoy sneezing now?by comming here and bothering my retarded mako-injected muses.

7. Did you induce sneezes as a kid or did you only start to induce as a teen or adult?i started after i came here i guess.

8. Does your sneeze sound the same now as it did when you were a kid or is it different? How?i used to stifle alot when i was younger, but now i dont do that unless im around someone.

9. Were you at all open about your love of sneezing as a child? ie. parents knew, select friends knew)jeez...i really wouldnt be that surprised if they did..the way i acted around some of them and everything.. :fury:

10. Do you wish you had someone as a childhood friend that you could have sneezed with? or did you enjoy the privacy of it?i did have one....pay attention to #5 more... :bleh:

11. Do you find now as an adult that your enjoyment of sneezing is declining or do you enjoy it more and more each year?oh i definitely enjoy it more now...although i did like it alot when i was younger to.

12. How have the websites, stories, wav's, personal observations changed the way you feel about sneezing now as oppose to then?how the heck should i know....i guess im more open about my fetish..for one thing.

13. Have you ever made wav's? do you share them on the sites or keep them private?never made them...dont really know how..dont want to so dont even ask.

14. If you yourself like to sneeze around what age did you really start to enjoy your own sneezing?if you mean getting turned on by myself, ive never enjoyed it that way.

15. Have you ever hoped that someone was watching you sneeze and enjoyed it either as a child or adult?uh.....no....unless they were REALLY attractive i guess.

16. Do you enjoy interactive sneezing(I.e. someone holding your nose to help you stifle, someone inducing your own sneezes)OMFG...get away or you'll be face to face with my double bladed katana...NO! :D

Edited by Jenova
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