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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Awww. Tamara has a cold again D:

Teh Ninjin

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Maybe she shouldn't wander about in the middle of the night in skimpy attire. tsk, tsk. Maybe she shouldn't eat so much junk food and sugar. -waggles finger- Bad Tamara.

Ahhh...This has like a bend thing to it. She's got a crumpled tissue in her hand. -patpats Tamara- She's got a cold. D:

and I started school, I can't take care of her XD

Methinks the steam from the teakettle tickled her nose.


And as to why she's walking around like that. I d'know. Ask her. XD

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Hee-hee. I'm whoring out my OC XDDDD

Go on, Tamara, go stay with Ravenclaw-san. XD

Tamara: O_o;;

Ahahaha. I'm sure she'd love the fact you haven't dusted since march. have any pets ? x)

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Ahhh...This has like a bend thing to it.

Ahhh.... the "bend thing" ;)

The bendier... the better! Makes it that much more of a powerful sneeze! :P And there is nothing wrong with skimpy outfits. :blink: Nothing at all. :laugh:

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Hee-hee. I'm whoring out my OC XDDDD

Go on, Tamara, go stay with Ravenclaw-san. XD

Tamara: O_o;;

Ahahaha. I'm sure she'd love the fact you haven't dusted since march. have any pets ? x)

Oh yes.... :D

Tamara, come meet my guinea pig who sheds all over the place. :bleh: And, you can feed her the timothy hay that seems to get EVERYONE'S allergies going. :bleh:

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So let me get this straight, a girl in a bikini, with a cold goes out at night sneezing her head off :bleh:? Beautiful drawing as always Baniira keep up the good job :D.

Edited by Secret
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