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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I'm Ruined


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I work at the library. We have a Science Fiction/Fantasy section and I'm currently working near it. EVERY TIME I see the phrase "SF Author", my mind jumps back to this place. I've been ruined, but I don't mind at all :laugh:

So yeah.... if you spend a lot of time here, prepare to get eaten :laugh:

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Phewww - I am glad that I am not the only one with that problem !

There are several issues in everyday life and work that make my mind jump back to this place.

But I do not care !


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I'm so diseased with this place, and this fetish, I infect other people! :laugh: And I absolutely love it! Wouldn't have it any other way! :laugh:

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Every time I see SF on anything I think of the fetish which then leads my brain in many different areas, including this forum :laugh: My only complaints are when it happens in a place where my fetish is the last thing I would want to think about.....

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HAHAHA, I SO do that! I've seen the initials "SF" on various things like the sides of trucks, and I immediately say "Sneeze Fetish" in my mind.

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Damn, I'm another one who'd never thought of this.......

But I will now :D

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:D Everytime I see "forum" I think of the.. *cough* forum :laugh:

And by this i laugh every time i go into the city, becuase there's a massive old theatre in one of the main streets called THE FORUM THEATRE and it has FORUM in big letters spelled in massive signs down the side of the building :nopity:

I love this wierd, addictive place :D

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:laugh: Everytime I see "forum" I think of the.. *cough* forum :nopity:

And by this i laugh every time i go into the city, becuase there's a massive old theatre in one of the main streets called THE FORUM THEATRE and it has FORUM in big letters spelled in massive signs down the side of the building :nopity:

I love this wierd, addictive place :D

It's really a pity that the forum theatre doesn't live up to its name.......just imagine hundreds of plays about......... :D

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HA! I SO do this! :rolleyes:

There's a beauty salon down the road called "The Forum" and I always go, *snicker* sneeze fetishist hangout *snicker* to myself whenever I see the sign...

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My school has these things that you have to attend 12 of, called "forums" :innocent: I just remembered that, in order to graduate or something... I didn't really pay much attention, but when I was first heard that I thought it was online, but it isn't.

So now I'm like I'm lazy I'll go later, instead I'll go to the Sneeze Fetish Forum! It's more pleasurable interesting...

There's a cough fetish forum? :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

I know, I know. Resurrecting old topics is frowned upon. But I just found out something that instantly brought me back to this topic. Ready?

There's a theatre around here which is called the "SF Playhouse". :P

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Guest No More Lies
I know, I know. Resurrecting old topics is frowned upon. But I just found out something that instantly brought me back to this topic. Ready?

There's a theatre around here which is called the "SF Playhouse". :P

... now that's just TEASING! :lol: I don't think I'd be able to so much as walk past that place without snickering. A LOT.

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Hey, resurrecting old topics is awesome if there's new stuff to say.

Of course my opinions probably do NOT represent those of the majority. They rarely do.

But I think I have to rethink my earlier post in this topic because it looks as if my brain has been well and truly eaten. Last week at work I saw an invoice number that started with the letters SFF. I don't know WHY. Invoices usually start with INV or something like that. But there it was: SFF, staring right up at me from that piece of paper.

But that made me snicker out loud at my desk for longer than it should have. :P

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I know, I know. Resurrecting old topics is frowned upon. But I just found out something that instantly brought me back to this topic. Ready?

There's a theatre around here which is called the "SF Playhouse". :P

Wonder how they play there and with what? Anyway, a title/idea for a fic is born! :lol:

off-topic: what's bad about resurrecting old topics? Just curious, as I don't understand it at all...

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Heh I know what that one is like :P ... it does kinda stick in your head doesn't it? I was listening to some Beatles with my folks on a drive and singing along - "Strawberry Fields Forever!" and I'm thinking "dude! SFF! ZOMG!" *hit desk with head* it's EVERYWHERE!

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Heh I know what that one is like :twisted: ... it does kinda stick in your head doesn't it? I was listening to some Beatles with my folks on a drive and singing along - "Strawberry Fields Forever!" and I'm thinking "dude! SFF! ZOMG!" *hit desk with head* it's EVERYWHERE!

I've never thought of this, but I shall be singing away from now on. [And I saw the original video being made].

In fact, if we're still looking for a secret sign or slogan to use amongst ourselves, what better than this; you could whistle it like in spy stories. Or hum it under your breath...

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I don't suppose any of you are Giants fans / wear Giants hats?

(That's baseball, not football, for the slow ones out there.)

(OK... They play in San Fransisco (logo = intertwined "SF") for those who don't follow baseball, or aren't from the 'States.)

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Funny...another one happened to me today.

I was checking the local news and there was a headline, I can't quite remember the exact headline but it was something like "SF member kicked out for violence" and I IMMEDIATELY thought of the forum, and wondered who exactly on here had gotten violent. For about 10 seconds until I realised that our little forum wouldn't be exactly considered important news I don't think.

At any rate the SF stood for "Sinn Fein", which is a political party over here for anyone not knowing that.

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