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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Preview of Coming Attractions? - m


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I fear that the forum must bid farewell to lovely Victor of the spectacular buildups . . . sweet guy, but unfortunately hopelessly dysfunctional.

Last night I had a first date with "Peter," who is an interesting-looking guy . . . 6', 37, slender, looks like a much younger, more delicate-featured, blue-eyed James Woods. I tend to be attracted to that tormented/suffering type, so I found him attractive. He became more attractive after he demonstrated the fact that he's my favorite kind of sneezer -- the Unselfconscious Yet Polite type. He was in mid-sentence when he suddenly paused -- no visible presneeze expression or audible buildup -- and sneezed an unvoiced, wet, very deep "Heh-CHUSSSHHHH!" into the crook of his arm. I blessed him, and he thanked me. This sneeze was followed by some wet sniffling, but no nose-blowing. He sounded a bit allergy-congested, so of course I was hoping for more, but alas, to no avail. Maybe later. :twisted:

Edited by liricospinto
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Peter certainly sounds as if he will be an interesting sneezer, and I'm sure we shall all be very keen to hear how his sneezes evolve, but I must say I'll miss Victor. Thank you for sharing both with us.

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Lovely. Sorry about Victor, but it sounds like you've met a fabulous new man. Can't wait to hear about the next date with him! Thank you for sharing both of them with us!

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Aww, man... Too bad about Victor and his issues. :bleh: But it sounds like things with Peter could be promising. Yay! Keep us updated!

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