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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A weird thing my friend and I got recorded


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Ok my friend and I are major ghost people. AKA we are total believers in ghosts and anything of the sort.

We were trying to get some EVPs (it just means we be quiet and record for any type or ghost noise, play it back to listen for any noise that could have been made by a ghost, they say recorders can pick up on ghost noise this website could descibe it better than me http://ghoststudy.com/new/evp.html )

We shut off all the noise and let the recorder record as we were as quiet as possible, making no noise. When we finished recording my friend plays it back. I think the ghosts know about my fetish because, we both thought that the sound we heard was someone saying, "Tell Sara, Gaara sneezed." :nohappy:

I laughed, it was funny. I thought I heard it wrong, but we both heard that. I think we just both heard wrong, but it makes for a funny story :snorkle:

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I don't know if I believe in ghosts - but I'm also not one to completely write off anything spiritual / etc... Funny story, in any case. It's wierd that you both thought you heard that!

Does your friend know about your fetish?

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I totally believe in ghosts. This little tale made my day, thanks for sharing. I wonder if any of my ghosts know about my fetish...

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My friend does know about the fetish

And I'm glad I made your day Sneesee. Try to get some EVPs. I wish I could have uploaded it onto this forum, but I don't think you can with that recorder...

I was pretty open about my fetish (only with this one friend) and about my love for Gaara. We teased each other about our fetishes. He has a crush on Hinata, and has a fetish for bleeding and crying (much weaker than fetish is for sneezing, we discussed how our fetishes are and that is how I know). I used to say, "Hinata tripped fell, scraped her knee, and started to cry." He'd say, "Gaara sneezed and his spray hit you.." that really makes me all :lol: I love spray, and Gaara's :angry: would just be the best... So if the ghosts heard us, then that could explain that, otherwise I still go with the theory that we both must have mistaken what they really said... but it was kinda ironic that we both thought the said, "tell Sara, Gaara sneezed." :lol:

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