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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fake sneeze


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Do you fake a sneeze? Or know anyone that does? Does it sound real enough to fool others? Do you like to try to fool others into thinking you've sneezed?

Mine usually don't sound real at all unless I do it into a tissue to help disguise it.

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I've only done it a few times by myself and I always feel weird doing it. But I have to say, I think it sounds pretty realistic. Some people can do it, but many can't and that's why I get frustrated with acted sneezes on TV shows. Sometimes people will actually go "achoo!" and you just have to roll your eyes.

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My fake sneezing is more realistic than my real sneezes. :wub: I got the spray.. the sound... the motion... the whole package. :D

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It's damn near impossible to tell the difference between my real sneeze and my fake ones. Believe me, I've tested the crap out of this theory and not one person has caught me yet! :D

There are very few sounds that I cannot imitate, plus it's a neat party trick! :wub:

Edited by Akutenshi
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I cannot fake a sneeze. I will no doubt start laughing if I even try. I do have a male friend named Ed, whose fakes sound very real. And he can change the sound around. Very talented.

Edited by Sneesee
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I can fake sneeze very well. They can fool people easily. My only reason for doing that is to see if I'll be blessed. I know, I'm such a geek. :bleh:

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Well the average person on the street isn't usually that discerning, but if you can fake out a fetishist (especially one that dosen't like fakes) then your good.

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Slightly off-topic:

The concept of trying to fake out a fetishist seems like a kind of twisted variety show segment, or at the very least, an entertaining hobby. The thought makes me giggle.

Back on-topic:

No. Can't fake at all :lol:

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Wow I'm impressed so many of you can do such great fake sneezes. Is there a key to it or just a talent?

Listen to half of the WAVs on Bondi's site to get some ideas.

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*snicker* I actually think it's easier to fake out one of us at times!

I agree with aku on this on. sometimes we can be so absorbed by the thought that they MIGHT have sneezed to be able to tell the difference between a real one and someone who is just toying with us.

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I can fake sneeze very well. They can fool people easily. My only reason for doing that is to see if I'll be blessed. I know, I'm such a geek. :shy:

I totally do the same thing. Mine are pretty good, but they don't sound like my real ones.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't have the nerve to fake sneeze around anybody! I don't think mine sound real at all... oh well... Can't be good at everything.. :rofl: hehe

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Guest silverbirch

Hi all *emerges onto the forum for the first time, blinking in the sunlight* I've finally plucked up the courage to post :dead::) Don't eat me!!!

I can fake a stifled sneeze, but not a real one. I do love to be blessed, so I do it a lot, but I'm only ususally brave enough to do it in the dark (my favourite is in the lecture theatre while watching a film, if I'm sitting next to a crush!)

Anyone else here who doesn't get off on thier own sneezes but loves to be blessed by people they like?

Silver x

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Well I love it when my boyfriend blesses me, but anyone else usually makes me uncomfortable.

I have never tried to fake a sneeze, it would embarrass the hell out of me. I once had a dream when I could fake sneeze really well though. It was kind of weird.

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  • 2 months later...
Hi all *emerges onto the forum for the first time, blinking in the sunlight* I've finally plucked up the courage to post :rolleyes::) Don't eat me!!!

I can fake a stifled sneeze, but not a real one. I do love to be blessed, so I do it a lot, but I'm only ususally brave enough to do it in the dark (my favourite is in the lecture theatre while watching a film, if I'm sitting next to a crush!)

Anyone else here who doesn't get off on thier own sneezes but loves to be blessed by people they like?

Silver x

Oooo...me! I love being blessed by people I like...but not, not, NOT family lol. Also, I love saying, "bless you" to guys I find attractive....it's a complete turn on!

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*how did i miss this thread?*

teehee...i actually have no talent whatsoever at faking sneezes......unless im trying to fake a cold sound....for some reason my fakes are much wetter sounding than my real ones, almost always a dead giveaway as i naturally have realtively dry sounds. (at least obvious to any fetishists who know me) but i can pull off a decent "im really congested and have a horrible cold right now" sound.....

i have gone around faking in judo just to see how my sensei will react. he says i sound inhuman. ;) i may just have to go faking again in class.....so much fun!!!!

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Anyone else here who doesn't get off on their own sneezes, but loves to be blessed by people they like?

Me......me........me! ;):unsure::hypoc::lol:

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oh god.

am I the only one here that just really... HATE fake sneezes? :unsure:

I've personally never tried to fake one and I'm pretty sure I will never do.

Hearing someone who I know is faking is just really a HUGE turn off for me ;)

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