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Self-Obs in the Day Spa (M)

Guest nysailor17

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Guest nysailor17

Hello to all. I am not sure if anyone has ever been to a day spa before. If not, it's a place where you can go to get massages, pedicures, facials, manicures, etc. It's really cool. I try to go to one at least once every time that I go home to New York. Anywho, whenever I seem to go get a massage, while I am in the room, I always have to blow my nose at least once while I am in there. Well, I went to a day spa once the last time I was home. When I went, I had a pretty brunette woman massage me. She was about 5'4" and have beautiful brown eyes. She also had a really cute voice. About 30 minutes into the massage, I started sniffling a little bit. She noticed and asked me if I needed a tissue. I said, "Yes please". She handed a couple tissues to me. They were white Kleenex tissues. I folded the tissues over and put them to my nose and blew. I blew it pretty soft and out of the right nostril first, then the left. After I was done blowing, I opened up the tissues and looked to see what had come out. It was clear and a little bit sticky. It sounded kinda soggy as it was coming out. There was about a medium amount there. I looked over my shoulder after looking at the tissues and folding them and saw her watching me. I wonder if she saw me looking at the tissues. I wonder if she looked at the tissues after she blew her nose. Well, after I was done blowing and folded up the tissues, I asked her if she had a garbage can. She said, "Yes, let me take care of that for you". Just then, she grabbed the tissues out of my hand and took them over to the garbage can and threw them away. That was so erotic. I wonder if she felt how warm it was. I apologized for having to blow my nose in there. She said, "No problem. Everyone has to do it". I asked her if she's ever had to blow her nose in front of one of her clients before. She said that she never had to. I also asked her if she thought it was weird that someone looks at the tissues after they blow their nose and apologized if I grossed her out. She said, "No, not at all, everyone looks, even I do at times". All I could reply to that (with a stutter I might add) is, "Cool, now I don't feel so bad". Well, needless to say, I had to go into the bathroom after I was done with my massage to relieve some "pent-up stress". Oh boy, the erotic things that can happen in a day spa!!! Hope all of you enjoy this.

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