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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Self Obs.


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Hey there! Wow I haven't posted an ob. in forever!!......I tend to lurk more than post....but, anyway, on with the ob! :D

It was time to close up for the day at work and, after locking the doors, I was on my way to my car when I felt a tickle. Now, I'm not a photic person so I just shrugged it off and kept walking; but it got stronger and stronger until "Hi'ttssh!" I got to my car thinking it was a fluke of some sort when "Hi'ttssh!...HH'etsch! ETSCH!" I sneezed down towards the ground as I got out my keys. When I finally got into my car my nose had settled down and I didn't sneeze again.

I hardly ever sneeze in anything more than a single or a double, so to get four in a row really suprised me!

Hope you enjoyed! ;)

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Hey there! Wow I haven't posted an ob. in forever!!......I tend to lurk more than post....but, anyway, on with the ob! :D

It was time to close up for the day at work and, after locking the doors, I was on my way to my car when I felt a tickle. Now, I'm not a photic person so I just shrugged it off and kept walking; but it got stronger and stronger until "Hi'ttssh!" I got to my car thinking it was a fluke of some sort when "Hi'ttssh!...HH'etsch! ETSCH!" I sneezed down towards the ground as I got out my keys. When I finally got into my car my nose had settled down and I didn't sneeze again.

I hardly ever sneeze in anything more than a single or a double, so to get four in a row really suprised me!

Hope you enjoyed! ;)

Wow as a rare and single sneezer, I know that quads must have been amazing for you. Nice ob.

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Bless you. I agree with Shy Guy, the last one being the stongest is always the best. I rarely sneeze four times in a row either anymore, but when I do it usually comes out like that. The first three are usually bang....bang.....bang and the a brief pause with the forth being the strongest. Always feels SO good. Hope yours did too. :drool:

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