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Sneeze Fetish Forum

taking requests and I have a question


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As we may all know I have an anxiety problem with this fetish, and well as far as I know I have never been able to draw a guy I have a crush on sneezing. I would like to try drawing Gaara sneezing, but I can't :lol: I also used to have a problem where I couldn't draw my crushes at all, however that didn't seem to follow over on to Gaara, so I can draw Gaara. My past crushes before Gaara I couldn't draw or even look at them. I can look at Gaara and draw him... as seen in signature I drew me and Gaara together :heart:... but I can't draw him sneezing, and am way to scared to even attempt.

And I'm also taking requests for drawings, I will draw anything but Gaara. I could use some ideas for drawings though, so any requests, and/or advice on the anxiety around drawing Gaara sneezing? thanks :laugh:

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First - Take a deeeeeep breath...



Yeah. You're like, WAY too tighly wound.

Sorry. But if drawing Gaara that way makes you that nervous - then you should totally do it. You should do nothing but put the pencil to the paper and not stop until your done. Channel someone else if you have to. Whatever, just crash through whatever mental block you're getting squashed under. Never let your fear hold you back.

You'll feel a lot better once you've done it. (Plus you'll have that awesome pic.)

(I'll go *&%$ off now...)

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Really, again, I so agree with Niceguy - just go for it!

I kinda relate as still a while ago I was terrified by the idea of drawing anyone sneezing. And some things are easier than others - but in a way it's really fun the way I suddenly realize that my hands are trembling, and also annoying as that makes the lines messy :D And every time I dip the brush in red to give that rosy tint for the nose... Yup, makes my hands shake :yes:

But really. You can try to cheat yourself! For example, if you try to sketch him many times on the same paper, just doodle, nothing sneezy, and when your hand get's a good, relaxed man-it's-fun-drawing-Gaara -feeling, just slip a sneezy expression there, like it was an accident. That's how I started drawing the things I wanted and dreaded to draw the most.

I hope this helps at all. :laugh:

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Thanks guys, for the advice... I have anxiety around Gaara sneezing in the first place, not just drawing him doing that. Like if he were real came near me and sneezed I'd run for it!!!!!! Then hide in a courner where it's safe (far away from Gaara) freaking out with a smile on face at the same time.

But I still would love to see/hear him sneeze. I'm afraid of him sneezing at the same time as practically dying to see/hear him sneeze, weird right? When some really nice artists on this forum decide to draw him sneezing for me, it takes me a while to look at it, and it's really, really hard to look, but my desire gets the best of me and I eventually look and love what I see, but I still feel scared while I'm looking at him, and have to turn away quickly, so I look at the picture on and off and still feeling scared :D Drawing Gaara sneezing is even harder for me, but I really want to try, but I'm way to scared to try...

The idea of yours, Shiny_bug, is great, however this is me were talking about, so I could try drawing Gaara over and over again, but I don't have the patients to deal with my perfectionist ways for everytime I draw him, and because he's my crush I'm even more of a perfectionist on pictures (which in the long run still come out crappy) I draw of him. If I got over the anxiety around it, I would start drawing now and not be done until I'm about 85 years old, because it would have to be perfect... but your idea was very great, not trying to dis it I'm just a perfectionist on myself :(

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I feel that way too. Whenever I try to draw any anime character sneezing, I'm always afraid I'll mess up and make it look crappy. Then I'm afraid that the anime character would be insulted if they saw the pic. (I know. I'm crazy. :lol: ) But in the end, I just draw it and feel good that I did in the end.

And if I ever saw Gaara sneeze, I'd get closer so he'd sneeze on me. :lol:

And I would love to see your Gaara drawings. Can we be friends? Please?

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I feel that way too. Whenever I try to draw any anime character sneezing, I'm always afraid I'll mess up and make it look crappy. Then I'm afraid that the anime character would be insulted if they saw the pic. (I know. I'm crazy. :laugh: ) But in the end, I just draw it and feel good that I did in the end.

And if I ever saw Gaara sneeze, I'd get closer so he'd sneeze on me. :lol:

And I would love to see your Gaara drawings. Can we be friends? Please?

I am always wanting of new friends, so yes, definatly.. and I know what you mean about the paranoid that they would some how be insulted by it! I thought I was alone there.

And if Gaara sneezed on me :wub::hug::drool: :drool: :drool::wub:

Well in my signature is a pic of me and Gaara, so that's one of my Gaara drawings, but I haven't even ever attempted to draw him sneezing, as I've said way to scared :lol: If you want to talk to me on aim, just go to my profile my aim Screen Name is there :lol: I tried to PM you but I can't.

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I'm always afraid I'll mess up and make it look crappy. Then I'm afraid that the anime character would be insulted if they saw the pic.

Haha, I really understand what you mean with that you're afraid that the "anime character would be insulted". But, well, I always come up with this mental trickery... so, if and when it goes wrong, the obvious result is that it doesn't look like him, and if it doesn't, it's not him! :drool: For me it works, actually! :twisted:

Another: "It's not ready yet." That works even better.

But this is my favourite - based on a go-proverb: "I must draw him 100 times badly before I am able to draw him well. Thus, drawing him badly is really important." This works every time! <_<

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