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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Yoo-hoo! Requests?

Teh Ninjin

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Yes. I have issues, we've all established that. -coughcough- but I'm extremely bored, and I haven't drawn anything recently. and I feel the need to, so. I'd like to take a few requests. but having said that, I have to say I will NOT:

Draw sneeze orgies

Draw Nudity.

There. That's it.

Pour 'em in. try not to over load me. x-O;

I STILL have homework. XD but I can sketch pretty quick.

Edited by Baniira ♥s LeTameo
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ok you can do a couple for me hehe.

you choose what to draw from this lil list of my fandoms, then you surprise me! like not telling what your drawing yes ^^

List of crack:

Raphael from TMHT


Dante from DMC

Dark from DNangel

Gatsu from Berserk

Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing


Sesshomarou *Well you go ahead and try spelling his name! without looking at the spelling!*

Roy Mustang FMA

Kenshin ^^

Sauske from Naruto


Nakano Hiroshi from Gravitation

Yuki Eri from Gravitation

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ok you can do a couple for me hehe.

you choose what to draw from this lil list of my fandoms, then you surprise me! like not telling what your drawing yes ^^

List of crack:

Raphael from TMHT


Dante from DMC

Dark from DNangel

Gatsu from Berserk

Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing


Sesshomarou *Well you go ahead and try spelling his name! without looking at the spelling!*

Roy Mustang FMA

Kenshin ^^

Sauske from Naruto


Nakano Hiroshi from Gravitation

Yuki Eri from Gravitation

Need I say it? Gara is actually spelt Gaara... ok with that said, I would like to say Baniira has already drawn some really awsome Gaara sneeze pics and one really awsome Sasuke pic.

Links: Gaara1, Gaara2


Now, I'm unsure when you said Gara, did you mean Gaara? :pyth: I don't know if someone else could have a similar name from some show I never saw before :pyth:

And what is a sneeze orgie? :laugh:

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I'm not much for females, and yes I spelled Gaara wrongly gomen XD

*sings to Inuyahsa opening* I love the song!

*huggles Inuyasha plushie*

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I could try Raph, but I'll do Yuki-kun <3

a sneeze orgie is a picture of like two or more people sneezing.

thanks, I was wondering that for sometime now XD...

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a sneeze orgie is a picture of like two or more people sneezing.

But.. you draw two girls sneezing together in the same picture all the time.. :wub:

Shall we say... 3?

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All these charactors that everyone is suggesting I've never heard of. :hug: How about Jessica Rabbit sneezing? Has that already been done? I know Sternuto will love this one. :wub:

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a sneeze orgie is a picture of like two or more people sneezing.

But.. you draw two girls sneezing together in the same picture all the time.. :wub:

Shall we say... 3?

They aren't both actually sneezing. in the ones with Vivikari and Tamara and such, one of them is making the other sneeze, and. then the one with Vanilla and Tamara, she's just allergic, she didn't actually sneeze. :]

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All these charactors that everyone is suggesting I've never heard of. :laugh: How about Jessica Rabbit sneezing? Has that already been done? I know Sternuto will love this one. :laugh:

Thats the first character listed that Ive recognized :) .


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Got little more crack here:

He's a bastard but he is a hot bastard

Naraku from InuYasha *In his humanish form he is quite the hottie too*


Sakuma Ryuichi from Gravitation *Purr*

and for the previous list for thoes that doesn't know the characters I'll put a little picture of them infront of their names ^^

Kick butt Raph

Raphael from TMHT *or TMNT, in Europe it was called Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles as Ninja sounded to violent O.o*

*I decided to put all silver hairs in a row :)*

Sephiroth crackness


Anime Dante

Dante from DMC *mmmm yet another silver haired hunk :laugh: Sure his hair is shorter then the rest but hey he is still hot*

Together with his Tetsaiyga

Inuyasha *Fades into her little dream world*

He's a total emo, but he is a hot emo

Sesshoumaru *Finally got the spelling right, and with him the line of Silver hairs are closed ^^*

Looking sharp Dark ^^

Kaitou Dark from DNangel *Look a purple hair ^^*


Gatsu from Berserk

God of Death!

Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing

Mustang-Samma's Glove

Roy Mustang FMA


Kenshin ^^


Sauske from Naruto

Emo, but another hot emo


My first Bishie crush

Nakano Hiroshi from Gravitation *red head ^^*

Good looking

Yuki Eri from Gravitation *and a Blonde*

I'd post my total favorite guy, but he'd probably be to advanced for you to attempt to draw ^^ he is the one that really closes the Silver hair group, my fiance's character, Kaize-Samma, he is in my story and I do have pictures of him, but its too detailed probably

Edited by Umeko
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All these charactors that everyone is suggesting I've never heard of. :laugh: How about Jessica Rabbit sneezing? Has that already been done? I know Sternuto will love this one. :laugh:

Thats the first character listed that Ive recognized :) .


It's like a whole other language, isn't it! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

yoooooo! is this still open? i haven't requested anything in a while and thought i should stop by ^_^

i actually haven't seen Anja in a while. maybe some sneeze torture is in order?

if you want me to draw or write anything in return, feel free to ask.



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Quick thing: once I get overloaded too fast, I slack, slack MAJORLY, the thread dies, and once it dies, it stays dead. Not trying to be a bitch, but...its dead. x_O; I might make another thread soon.

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  • 2 years later...

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