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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Autumn Chill (f)


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It's started to cool down a bit here, especially at night. Nearly freezing my hands off yesterday inspired the picture below:


For some reason I thought it'd be funny if someone sneezed into their wrists...and, it is, kind of :laugh:; I imagine this girl as having one of those little girly sneezes - "Hp'tchi!" and whatnot. Though, of course, you can imagine her to have any sneeze you like.

This started as a sketch in my Phonetics notebook, which I then enlarged via the copy machine and re-traced with a thin marking pen. The whole thing was colored with Copic and Neopiko alcohol markers. While I'm not a huge fan of the quality of the line-work, I am really pleased with how the coloring on her scarf came out...and the colors in general. I need to invest in some less saturated colors - I was doing all sorts of weird layering for this!

What should I have been doing instead of doodling? HOMEWORK! Someone should take my art supplies away from me :pyth: Hope you like it regardless :pyth:

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AWWWW! She's so adorable! I just want to hug her :rolleyes: Love the coloring too, and the leaves blowing around. Very Autumn-y.

Thank you for sharing!

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I love the colours and all the movement in the picture.


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