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Poor little priest (M)


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I've been reading the Trinity Blood manga these past few days, and after drooling myself repeatedly into a coma over Kiyo Kyuujou's amazing artwork, I suddenly realized that it had been months since I last tortured played with my beloved priest.

So, eh...my brain fried and...I did this. :D Father Nightroad with a pre -, a sneeze - and a post-sneeze expression. In some weird reversed order, don't ask me why. :D

I need to practice on: 1) drawing hands 2) drawing faces in half profile 3) inking

I'm slooowly getting better at the hands and the half-profiles, but I still SUCK att inking images. :D

This is kinda huge and dark, and my camera ate all the colors. Sorry. Hope you like it anyway :D


Ah. Just realized I should have posted this in my old thread. Ah well, too lazy to go back and find it...

EDIT: YAY! 1111 posts! My lucky number! :D

Edited by VoOs
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Oh, my...

Your stuff is always good but THIS is beyond any words I can come up with to praise it. I love how you did the three different sneeze-stages...so fun! I am really in awe of the hair, it just seems to move.

Love, love, love. Wish I could say something more in depth but this ate my brain...

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For a second there I thought this was going to be a totally different priest (I thought maybe Sanzo from Saiyuki XD). Nonetheless, I love it! The colors are pretty and I adore the expressions. Totally awesomeness. :)

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Oh my, this is wonderful! Really cool! Love how his hands "move"! Ghh... lil' priests... snee... :)

And then the phase when someone blesses him and offers him a hanky? :innocent:

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Holy crap so hot, VoOs! You've got the smooth, elegant anime style dooown. And I think your hands and 3/4 views are fine :) Nice long, slender fingers (something which eludes me as I apparently like to make mine all manly and knuckley)

I may have to check out Trinity Blood just for this guy.

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I think all the things you mentioned are just fine (yeah, hands are almost always a pain...) I'm not really into male stuff but I appreaciate the artistic quality (or whaterver it's called) :)

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Ok, I pretty much never post on art, mostly because I am so much in awe of ANYONE with the slightest talent on that score, but these coaxed me out of my little voyeuristic cocoon. They are AMAZING. You captured the moment brilliantly, thanks SO much for sharing :blushing:

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oh my goodness, the first part with his teary eyed aftermath is just too much for my lil heart to take :D *glomps!* And I love the sneezy sounds you picked for him, very hot! :bounce: Also, the coloring job is super well done :P eeee I love it!!!!

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Thank you so much everyone! :heart: It really means a lot to me that you take your time to comment on my stuff. :heart:

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Aww, I'm falling in love with your priest! :heart: Better hide him from me! :heart:

These doodles are beyond awesomeness! ^____________^

About the crying pic; is he allergic or is he sad?

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Aww, I'm falling in love with your priest! :heart: Better hide him from me! :rolleyes:

These doodles are beyond awesomeness! ^____________^

About the crying pic; is he allergic or is he sad?

I'd say he's sad because he's so allergic :lol: Nah, seriously, he just got teary from all the sneezing. :heart:

Thank you for commenting, TeaParty and chui! :hug:

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Um, excuse me while my PANTS EXPLODE!!


GAH! :heart:

Voos...I....hnngg....SO. EFFING. HOT!!!! *FLAILY HANDS OF DOOM!!!*

Gah, Abel....I have missed you so! :lol: Jeez, don't get you-know-who all excited now.....:hug:


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Um, excuse me while my PANTS EXPLODE!!


GAH! :laugh:

Voos...I....hnngg....SO. EFFING. HOT!!!! *FLAILY HANDS OF DOOM!!!*

Gah, Abel....I have missed you so! :cryhappy: Jeez, don't get you-know-who all excited now.....:lol:


Squee! Thanks Aku! :)


- Say what, Abel? Oh, but of course you can go and play with you-know-who, I'm sure he has missed you too. :unsure:

Edited by VoOs
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:drool: FJLAKDHAHKLGA!!!! VoOs!!!! Holy crap dude, you're my hero! He looks so miserable in the first shot! I love how he took off his glasses <3 <3 <3

And the actual sneeze picture is PERFECT! *grabs this for my personal stash* :twisted: Rock on!

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  • 5 months later...
Guest silverbirch


This is gorgeous!

I love how he seems to get less and less dressed as the sneezing progresses. I mean, he's clothed in the pre-sneeze and bu the end *shakes head in admiration*

Silver x

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