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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A friend (F)


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Ok. This must be my first sneezeobs, but I have to share. This happened when I was sitting in a bar with my friend - tall woman (around 5' 7"), slender, blonde, waist-long dreadlocks, vivid and lively - I think she's a babe. And has known about me for a while now.

So we sit there and she's blabbering with approximately 3 different "voices" in turns, waving her hands around, being loud and a bit agitated. Until suddenly she leans back in her chair to let out 2 really soft, feminine sneezes that in no way match her previous behaviour, to her wrist: "Usschtst! Usschtst!" Her eyes water a little, and then she gives me this look - and believe me or not, she looked embarrassed, like she was caught bare nacked! I bless her (and for some odd reason in this honey-sweet tone :wub: ) and she gives a third sneeze, again a really soft "Usschtst!" to her wrist. Don't get me wrong, female sneezes don't do anything to me, but her sound is just pure adorable, and her reaction - like I had just caught her doing something really intimate; it was too dark to see properly but I wouldn't have been suprised if she blushed. So she looks me in the eye again, having this almost pleading expression I have NEVER seen on her face, I smile, she's speechless, I try to fix my gaze to something behind her and go on with the discussion.

That's it. Hope you like.

Edited by Shiny_bug
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Thank you for commenting! :)

*grin* that sounds just a tiny bit naughty ... I LIKE! :lol: I wonder if the look is related to knowing or not :laugh:

I bet it had about everything to do with her knowing. She sneezes really often and has never been shy about it at all - she's more likely to talk and joke about it. She's the first and only person I have told so far, so the moment I realized what was going on, I knew there were 2 options - to panic - or to accept that she knows that what she just did equals her showing me her boobies and enjoy the situation. And from this you can easily see which one I picked! :unsure:

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... I knew there were 2 options - to panic - or to accept that she knows that what she just did equals her showing me her boobies and enjoy the situation. And from this you can easily see which one I picked! :huh:

LOL I :lol: your math :) *fights urge to type* ... ahhh to hell with it, I can't resist ... so based on your statement and the obs we CAN mathematically proved that your friend has nice boobies :hyp: cheers ;) a brilliant leap for math I'm sure.

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