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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Girl in the student lounge


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Hi all,

There's definitely a cold on campus. Yesterday was the first major female sneezing event I've been party to, though. I was in a student lounge doing some reading between classes. I notice the girl on the opposing couch is sniffling a lot. She was very pretty, with curly red-blond hair and distinctly French-Canadian features (not sure how else to put it). She was slim, but had nice legs (she wore a skirt), and especially nice skin. I was positioned perfectly, since her profile was to me and she had no way of knowing I was watching.

After sniffling a while, she raised one hand to her face, and began to itch her nose (which was rather large). She itched for a few seconds before her eyes got squinty. She tilted her head back, paused, hitched her breath, froze again, then snapped forward, sneezing "HiiiIIIttCHeh!" onto the back of her hand. It seemed to have been a wet one, since she gave a very snotty sniffle into her hand. This seemed to set her off again, and her nose began to twitch, her eyes got squinty again, and she sneezed another "HIIITTCHuh!" this time into her palm. She got out a wad of tissue, and gave her nose a series of very snotty honks. That seemed to be the end of it.

But it wasn't. 10 minutes or so later, I heard an "aaAAATCHeh!" and looked up to find the same girl pull a tissue from her pocket, and sneeze again into it, this time a less vocal "uuTSSCHHeh!" She got out more tissues and began blowing her nose again. This she did for four or five seconds, before having to pause to sneeze a final, exasperated-sounding "HAA - TSCHEH!!" She then blew her nose for probably a further 10 seconds.

I caught her looking sneezy once more, but she blew her nose and nothing else happened. Oh well. Have to keep my eyes open for this girl in future :wub:

Edited by Morningsmith
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Well sure sounds like you had a good time :) and thanks for sharing it! sheesh sounds like she was the warm-up-gig and the show all in one :wub: (just um.. where do I buy tickets? :hug: )

Note to self - ask my Canadian friend what exactly "distinctly French-Canadian" looks like :balloon: but hey, I know what it's like not to be able to explain that sort of thing (the only one who ever really knows what I mean when I put things like so is my sister).

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Note to self - ask my Canadian friend what exactly "distinctly French-Canadian" looks like :P but hey, I know what it's like not to be able to explain that sort of thing (the only one who ever really knows what I mean when I put things like so is my sister).

Err... I'm French Canadian, and I have no idea what the OP is talking about :bounce:

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Note to self - ask my Canadian friend what exactly "distinctly French-Canadian" looks like :lol: but hey, I know what it's like not to be able to explain that sort of thing (the only one who ever really knows what I mean when I put things like so is my sister).

Err... I'm French Canadian, and I have no idea what the OP is talking about :laugh:

Really? You wouldn't say that there's a French Canadian "look" ? I wouldn't know how to describe what I'm talking about in terms of actual features, and I'm sure it isn't true of all French Canadians (in the way that not all Irish people, say, look "Irish"). Maybe the look I'm tlking about is really just French. Ohwell. Maybe I'm just imagining things :unsure:

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  • 2 years later...

great obs thank you would have loved to have been there!

have you seen any more of these people sneezing?

Mod note: Merged posts.

Please note sneezes, this thread is three years old. There may be occasions when authors do not wish to be reminded of events from a while back and indeed there are many people who were here three years ago but are no longer present. Sticking to more recent comments is more likely to be productive and less likely to upset anyone.

Edited by Vetinari
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