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My manager sneezed- Male


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All right, I've had probably ten different store managers in 6 years, and never saw one of them sneeze, until now. I'm talking the head guy, not all the assitants. I have a theory as to why I've never seen any actual manager sneeze, it's because I rarely see them anyway! :) I generally see only assitants.

So, I have a new store manager, actually, he's been there awhile now, so not really new. His name is Jose, so yes, he's Spanish-American. And he's not un-attractive, in fact, in a way, he is sort of attractive. Dark hair, brown eyes, a pleasant looking face. He has kind of a pug nose, which is actually kind of cute. But, when he speaks, he does not speak clearly, which drives me nuts! He mumbles and speaks quickly. He is a high-energy type peson, so I guess that's to be expected.

Last night, he was helping a couple that didn't speak English, and I was standing next to him while he typed away on the computer. Boy, was I glad I was standing next to him, because everything happened kind of fast, and if I hadn't been right there, I would have missed it. As he was typing, he turned his head away from me really quick, and sneezed into his shoulder, "Eh-choooo!" It really was fast, kind of like he is with everything, so I guess I should have expected that. I waited a few seconds to see if he was done, or if there were perhaps any more in there, but he was definitely done. I said, "Bless you." He sniffled, rubbed at his nose a bit, and said, "Oh wow, thank you." And it's funny, when he says things like "thank you," he actually sounds like he means it, like he's touched. So, I was glad I said it!

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How nice that he said thank you as if he meant it. Nice obs.

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As he was typing, he turned his head away from me really quick, and sneezed into his shoulder, "Eh-choooo!" It really was fast, kind of like he is with everything, so I guess I should have expected that. I waited a few seconds to see if he was done, or if there were perhaps any more in there, but he was definitely done. I said, "Bless you." He sniffled, rubbed at his nose a bit, and said, "Oh wow, thank you." And it's funny, when he says things like "thank you," he actually sounds like he means it, like he's touched. So, I was glad I said it!

Wonderful. :unsure:

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I said, "Bless you." He sniffled, rubbed at his nose a bit, and said, "Oh wow, thank you." And it's funny, when he says things like "thank you," he actually sounds like he means it, like he's touched. So, I was glad I said it!

Isn't it cute when people say that and really sound like they mean it? The guy who is currently my manager always blesses my annoying co-worker (the one who whispers achoo) and he always sounds like he really means it too. It's so cute! He's leaving in a week. I'll miss his sincere bless you's.

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I agree with everyone on the sincere blessings and thank yous. Very awsome. I always love it they sniff afterwards and rub at their nose :D or before, or whenever :drool:

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