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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Blue Phoenix


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I am so proud that I get to be the first here to applaud your wav, Blue Phoenix. :) So much anticipation before you sneezed. So sniffly after you sneezed. And so sneezy when you sneezed. :laugh: Thank you and I hope you'll do more. BTW, are you going to run out of allergy medicine again any time soon? :laugh:

Edited by Joel
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awww thanks ;) and as for the allergy meds, I've officially stopped taking them for the year :blink:

But don't worry, there will be more wavs where that one came from :yuck:

Edited by The Blue Phoenix
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But don't worry, there will be more wavs where that one came from :blink:



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awww thanks :blink: and as for the allergy meds, I've officially stopped taking them for the year :rollfast:

But don't worry, there will be more wavs where that one came from :rollfast:

Oh bless you! I mean, thank you! :rollslow:

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B.P. Those three new ones are winners. I especially like "Implosion." Then, again, I thought "Tissue Method" was really good. I guess I'm lucky I don't have to choose a favorite. Thanks! :D

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They are wonderful. Tissue Method is especially terrific, and it's nice to hear your voice. But all have those splendid inhalations; you can just hear that breath longing to get into your lungs [and be sneezed out again].

One more and you get your own section!

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B.P. Those three new ones are winners. I especially like "Implosion." Then, again, I thought "Tissue Method" was really good. I guess I'm lucky I don't have to choose a favorite. Thanks! :blink:

haha for implosion, i tried to stifle it. Thats what happens when I stifle. There's too much power to restrain :bleh: :bleh:

Tissue Method was wonderful. Thank you.


hehe your welcome :wub:

They are wonderful. Tissue Method is especially terrific, and it's nice to hear your voice. But all have those splendid inhalations; you can just hear that breath longing to get into your lungs [and be sneezed out again].

One more and you get your own section!

yay for getting ones own section!!! :unsure:

actually, i've been sick for the past week so yes, i made another one haha. i'm proud of the next one :jawdrop: most sneezes i've had in one sitting in a loooooong time.

and thanks again guys :) an artist always loves to hear that their work is appreciated :twisted: hahaha though i'd hardly call it art B)

Blue Phoenix

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I looked for your wav on Bondi's page but couldn't find it... where do I go to hear this great wav?

Allentown, Scroll down to the very bottom of the page. You'll see a section called Other Female Sneezers. Her wavs are the end. They are called Blue Phoenix 1,2, etc....


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