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--This text is absolutely liable to free will and can be completely ignored and hasn't to be read if necessary or just chosen--

Ok .... so .. i'm not really good at making requests .. i don't normally do ask for any stuff at all. Or at least i feel bad if i have to ask. And i don't really "have to" .. but uhhmm.. :blushing: well way back in my teenage years .. dunno probably 11 ~ 12 years ago they started showing the fist anime stuff over here. Like late night around 3 am and only on one channel for a maximum of 2 hours .. but they did. And there was some really old one called "Macross". A science fiction one. And they made a second part of it called "Macross II" (who would have guessed :P) in which an alien girl plays a major part of when she comes to earth and looses her memory. It's kina long ago and i seriously suck at describing .. i mean i can tell you she had blueish hair .. but other than that :lol:. So does anyone remember or know that one ? ... And uhhhm... would anyone be interested or willing to do something with her ? :laugh:

And .. since i'm at it .. :) (cause trust me i won't post in here again any time soon :P) :laugh: .. anyone ever played Trapt for the PS2 ? The main character you play .. Princess Alicia or Allura (how i totally hate name "translations") i always found kinda really appealing :blushing: soo .. well .. you know .. i would be really glad if someone would like to ... :)

i know very odd, rare and most likely completely unknown stuff .. but i thought i could give it a try at least ... :shy::hypoc:

and now excuse me while i die due the embarrassment of posting this :blushing:

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--This text is absolutely liable to free will and can be completely ignored and hasn't to be read if necessary or just chosen--

Ok .... so .. i'm not really good at making requests .. i don't normally do ask for any stuff at all. Or at least i feel bad if i have to ask. And i don't really "have to" .. but uhhmm.. <_< well way back in my teenage years .. dunno probably 11 ~ 12 years ago they started showing the fist anime stuff over here. Like late night around 3 am and only on one channel for a maximum of 2 hours .. but they did. And there was some really old one called "Macross". A science fiction one. And they made a second part of it called "Macross II" (who would have guessed :twisted:) in which an alien girl plays a major part of when she comes to earth and looses her memory. It's kina long ago and i seriously suck at describing .. i mean i can tell you she had blueish hair .. but other than that :blushing:. So does anyone remember or know that one ? ... And uhhhm... would anyone be interested or willing to do something with her ? :drool:

Hmmm...I'd never heard of Macross, but googled it and it seems really interesting and cool and something I might like. It's probably going to to take me awhile but let me look into this and I'll see what I can do. It'll be a fic, I can tell you that much as I cannot draw to save my life. But if you don't mind waiting *hopeful face here*, I'll try to come up with something for you.

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Hmmm...I'd never heard of Macross, but googled it and it seems really interesting and cool and something I might like. It's probably going to to take me awhile but let me look into this and I'll see what I can do. It'll be a fic, I can tell you that much as I cannot draw to save my life. But if you don't mind waiting *hopeful face here*, I'll try to come up with something for you.

Awwwwwwww .. that would be really nice :P :P. I didn't think anyone would really be interested in it. I mean it is kinda old and wasn't really popular back then already. But i probably tried to say very ununderstandable before it's more of a childhood memory than anything else. But it's like the first anime i ever saw and for some reason kept really stuck in my head. So I would really like to read a fic from you if it turns out to be something you like and don't worry about taking your time. i'll be as happy about it in 20 years as i would have been about it yesterday :) (granted the forum is still here in 20 years :blushing:).

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Hmmm...I'd never heard of Macross, but googled it and it seems really interesting and cool and something I might like. It's probably going to to take me awhile but let me look into this and I'll see what I can do. It'll be a fic, I can tell you that much as I cannot draw to save my life. But if you don't mind waiting *hopeful face here*, I'll try to come up with something for you.

Awwwwwwww .. that would be really nice :o:unsure:. I didn't think anyone would really be interested in it. I mean it is kinda old and wasn't really popular back then already. But i probably tried to say very ununderstandable before it's more of a childhood memory than anything else. But it's like the first anime i ever saw and for some reason kept really stuck in my head. So I would really like to read a fic from you if it turns out to be something you like and don't worry about taking your time. i'll be as happy about it in 20 years as i would have been about it yesterday :huh: (granted the forum is still here in 20 years :blink:).

Well, it certainly won't be 20 years, but it'll be a few weeks at the least. *Growls at school* I found out it was also released as Robotech (I don't know if anyone has heard of that or not), but it looks cool. I found a bunch of the episodes on line and as soon as I can, I plan on watching them in order to get something written. Plus, it gives me an excuse to write something female (which I've been meaning to get back into for awhile) as well as expland my fandom base. I'll keep you updated on my progress.

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do you have a link to a pic? I could try drawing her for you... :jump:

Awwwwwwww ... i can't believe so many people even read that thread :D. At least not compared to my anticipated 0 :lol:. But uhhm... yeah sure .. if it wouldn't be too much trouble for you, then i wouldn't mind :jumpy::lol:. Which of them you would like to draw ?

from the game


from the anime


But as said all of you don't go out of your ways for me. It's neither important nor urgent or anything. Take all the time you need. I'm already all surprised that someone posts in here anyway :bleh: :bleh:.

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My dear Mirf,

May i try arting her? She looks fun and interesting to draw... and i really should try drawing a FEMALE for a change :lol: ...

Awwww ...... -superhugofdoom- :hug:. Of course you may ... :jump: .. the more the merrier or something ? :bleh::lol:

Though i start to feel really bad accepting all those offers :jumpy::D:bleh:.

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My dear Mirf,

May i try arting her? She looks fun and interesting to draw... and i really should try drawing a FEMALE for a change :lol: ...

Awwww ...... -superhugofdoom- :lol: . Of course you may ... ;) .. the more the merrier or something ? :lol::lol:

Though i start to feel really bad accepting all those offers ;);):lol: .

:hug: Dont mate. Just be your normal appreciative and polite persona and people will love doing requests for you :hug:

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