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Soooooo (prepare for long ramble :P) .. today i helped out delivering stuff for the shop across the street again. I do that quite a lot lately .. since well i need the money :bleh:. I made about €45 the last 4 days .. which is like less than everything else .. but better than nothing and i don't have much choice. But after today i'm glad i did it anyway :).

So usually we deliver stuff by car but since it was a lot of stuff to deliver we splitted up .. they picked the car for something else and sent me with one of .. uhhhm.. those things and a few boxes of water, beer and juice down the road to the closer customers. Mind you that was the first time i ever used such a thing .. soo .. i guess i was a bit ... uhhm.. careful slow :blushing:. But i didn't want to break anything while rolling over countless bumps and uneven street stuff. Anyways after some while i managed it up that way too high step to the entrance of the house i was supposed to go to. On my way through the backyard i passed by a woman. Probably around 30 years old pretty good looking actually dark reddish short hair jeans and a greenish shirt :D:innocent:. She was doing garden work. I parked my beverages next to the entry took the first box and ringed at the name i was supposed to deliver. It buzzed and i opened the door. I made it stand open with the toggle in the back and brought up the first box of water took the empty box back down and grabbed the second box. Shortly after i went inside again and faced the second pair of stairs i heard a (i bet i sounded waaay different than i try to spell it .. but i'll do my best) kind of Heak~tshoo not really pitched with the "oo" though from the outside. I was totally like blurting out "yay!" .. and stopped in my movement. I'm not sure if it was really as amazing as i remember it or if it just was cause of the fact that i didn't have an obs for ages already .. but i was totally happy .. and after taking a deep breath and getting my heart out of my pants i shouted a pretty loud "Gesundheit" out to her which could most likely be heard from the whole house since i was still in the staircase :lol:. I got a "Thanks" (in German of course :P) in return and after thinking something alike "Oooops .. i hope that wasn't to enthusiastic/loud." i grabbed my box again and delivered it to the lady which was waiting upstairs for me already. She looked at me and said "These boxes are heavy aren't they? your face is all red." .. Haha .. yeah sure that was it :laugh: .. i just nodded took the other empty box and made my way to the other houses. But .. that clearly made my day :D.

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Whoa! My sweet, shy Mirf shouted out Gesundheit? That's so cute! I didn't know you ever shouted anything! Except a text shout at me when I'm giving you crap about loving David Hasselhoff... I swear, I only pick on you because I love you so much. :blushing: Anyway, very cool obs. And the next time you have a hand truck (that's what that thing is called in English) full of beer, juice, and water, you can deliver it straight across the ocean to my house. Ok?

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Whoa! My sweet, shy Mirf shouted out Gesundheit? That's so cute! I didn't know you ever shouted anything! Except a text shout at me when I'm giving you crap about loving David Hasselhoff... I swear, I only pick on you because I love you so much. :lol: Anyway, very cool obs. And the next time you have a hand truck (that's what that thing is called in English) full of beer, juice, and water, you can deliver it straight across the ocean to my house. Ok?

David Hasselhoff? I'm not sure I knew that ... :huh:

BUT anyway, awww I love a shouted blessing, it's so unexpected ;) I am totally for it! way to go you! (plus there is just something about redheads, jeans and green shirts in particular that really works well isn't there? *swallows saliva*)

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plus there is just something about redheads, jeans and green shirts in particular that really works well isn't there?

You know what I just realized? That's exactly what I was wearing last Friday. And my hair is red. And I just happened to be in Germany that day! Ok, I made up that last part. :blink: But I did sneeze that day. Too bad no one with a bunch of beer walked by and yelled "Gesundheit" at me.

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And the next time you have a hand truck (that's what that thing is called in English) full of beer, juice, and water, you can deliver it straight across the ocean to my house. Ok?

I'm not so sure how good i could swim with all that stuff :shy:

(plus there is just something about redheads, jeans and green shirts in particular that really works well isn't there? *swallows saliva*)


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