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Those Who Go Above and Beyond


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You know, I'm sure this belongs in random kudos but I wanted to make it's own topic because...well, there are people here that I adore and give random kudos to often but there are some people that are just universally awesome. And I'm sure I'm not the only person that thinks so.

This forum is very lucky in that there is a huge spirit of giving. And we have many talented people making wonderful, wonderful things: from clips, to art, to stories, or just running around being awesome in Off Topic. But a few people just go above and beyond this and they amaze me with their giving spirit AND their freakishly amazing talent.

Chui-Your ability to create magnificently crafted fics on such a variety of themes, and your poetry now too, never ceases to amaze me. And I'm not just saying that because of a certain Heroes fic that I brought to work with me in my handbag and read over and over when I REALLY ought to have been doing my work. From your original Death fics to your fanfics, you just have a way with painting a vivid scene with words and honestly, someone somewhere should PAY you to do that because you are just that damn good. And of course that's not to mention your drawings and how many members days you must have brightened up by spontaneously deciding to draw their favourite character, with that spectacular pencil talent of yours.

Hippo-Damn, girl! I can't even begin to put your awesomeness into words. You are one of the most giving people I've ever encountered. And so talented. Normally, I'd be dead jealous of your skills but you're just such an all around awesome person that it's impossible to have a negative thought about you! :inlove: I know I've been lucky to have my favourite character drawn by you, and so have so many people and it amazes me how you can be so prolific AND make them so amazing every time. But somehow you do. Your skills in drawing anatomy are particularly stunning and the forum is very lucky to be able to see your work.

Now if I didn't say anyone, it doesn't mean I don't think you're not wonderful too. I think I shall return to this topic and add people as and when I can think of suitable compliments. And you know, if anyone else wants to add how awesome they also think these good folks are, feel free to add it in here. They deserve as much kudos as possible!

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Oh, christ mate!! :)

You have NO idea how damned gooey i am right now. Like, LEMONADE kind of bubbly insides! :lol:

Thankyou. It is a pleasure and an honour to draw for someone so very grateful and appreciative, and holy crap, reading your comments is always the biggest joy...

Really, i love it. And dude, i'm adding YOU on the list, not simply becuase i'm on there but because you are ALWAYS drawing for people. I just draw for those i know will appreciate the work i put into each one, but you (who are clearly less greedy than i am :huh: ) draw unconditionally to those who ask, not always getting very prolific feedback.

So THANKYOU, firstly, for making my day and bringing a huge figging smile to my face, and for being such a generous person yourself. :cryhappy:

LDKH, lovey shit! :lol: :lol:

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oh wow.....KK...this has to be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. im just stunned. you know, i dont write or sketch to get accolades, but i like to know that when i do something for someone, that it meets their standards of entertainment/pleasure; that they enjoy it.

i wish i could say something back to you that shows my gratitude to you for this....but i dont think words could ever convey the meaning....so..i shall settle for "thank you" and plase knwo that it comes wiht my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for everything. :)

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