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Return of Ryuuke (M)

Teh Ninjin

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Posted (edited)

I think he needs to come back. It not a good sketch. I fucked over completely. but...I think the coloring came out pretty good :3

Ryuuke belongs to Kisa, and Hippo, y'all XD

But. uh. you can rent him..for an hour ;]

But he's the joint property of Hippo and Kisa, and he's my creation XD


Edited by Baniira ♥s Shindou Hikaru

Aaahhhhh! He's so cute! XD I'd offer to rent him, but I can't draw at ALL, sooooo... that's not much of an option.

ANYWAY. I really like the way you have the wind swirling around him and stuff~ and his position~~ yummy. <3<3 I love his hair.




Ryuuuuuu-chaaaaaaan! WAI! I missed him so muuuch~! 8DDD!

Huwaah!!!, you did an amazing job with the coloring, shades are... delicious... :dribble: Just gonna drool over him for a few hours... keep him out in the cold that long just to ....you know... make warm-up process more fun. :twisted:

Ok, seriously. I loves you. And Ryuu-chan. And your arts. And you. And WAH I CAN'T THINK RITE. More staring and drooling for Kisa. THENTOURMENTING! I mean... :whistle:

You rock my world, girl. :heart:

Posted (edited)

Hee-hee. I thought you might like this <3

I mainly did it for you, and Hippo of course.

Gotta love me some Hippo.

But I loves you Kisa <3

Ryuuke: I do too...now...can I get a FREEKING blanket or something? ><;;;

Edited by Baniira ♥s Shindou Hikaru


EEE baniira!! :hug: I totally LOVE the colour :omg: So bright, so very very pretttyyy... :heart:

and his expression!!! :dribble: Thankyou mate, its fugging awesome!!!! :twisted:


Of course <3 :whistle:

Gotta love me a hippo-chan <3

I still want to draw for you.

something better than just THIS XD

Hee-hee. I thought you might like this <3

I mainly did it for you, and Hippo of course.

Gotta love me some Hippo.

But I loves you Kisa <3

Ryuuke: I do too...now...can I get a FREEKING blanket or something? ><;;;

Psh, I love all your work. I've just been a lazy cow about commenting. n___n;; Hee!

Awww, thank you sweetheart, it TOTALLY made my week! *glomp!lick!* 83

And I loves you darling! <3 And Ryuu-chan as well. <3 Who needs not worry and will get a Kisa-blanket. >:3


Yay <3

Ryuuke: FINALLY -glomps Kisa and gives her a smooch-


Ryuuke. Be careful. You've got a runny nose. Don't get your snot on Kisa D<

She's MINE too >3>

I Miss our fun. we must get back into it >D


Aw, he's cute :dribble: Very nice coloring, Baniira! You should definitly use color more often! :whistle:


Thank you Fae-chaaaaaan~



super cute :D I'd share my jacket with him any day! Thanks for sharing :D

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