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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Why We Say the Things We Do After Sneezing


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Yeah...so I was pretty bored at work today. :blushing: Not much going on with the holiday's coming up. I was filing service requests away and a co-worker came in to make a photocopy. She sneezed and said excuse me. A while later while I heard my boss cough while having a conversation with another co-worker. He (my boss) said nothing. Then later on my boss sneezed (he's got a minimum 5 harsh sneeze fit). Another co-worker who was walking by his office at the time said, are you okay? Then when he started coughing and couldn't stop, the co-worker didn't say anything.

In my sugar-high brain, :D I came up with this stupid question. Why is it we only seem to say "excuse me" and "are you ok/alright" after we/someone sneezes and not after someone coughs? The more I think about it, these seem more appropriate after someone coughs...especially the "are you ok."

I've found I have no idea for why this is. Anyone else have any ideas?

Told you it was a stupid question. :hug:

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I know that in the olden days people believe that when you sneezed your soul would fly out of your mouth and if someone didn't bless you, you were screwed. I think thats accurate. I don't know really, I don't usually bless people unless I know them very very well, it a personal thing I guess. Though, for me, if ANYONE is acting sick I'm all up on that with hot tea and medicine and ect...

Maybe it's a personal comfort thing.

~ Mod note: removed quote

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