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Sneeze Fetish Forum

If You Sneeze When IM Chatting, Or Typing In Forum, Would You Say You Did?


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I very social person. I like interact with people, and with friends. I no can physically interact when instant message chatting, so when Ami sneeze, I type out what sound like, and how many time. Or, when Ami have cold, and need blow nose or cough, I say that I blowing nose or coughing.

So, if sneeze, I type Hachew or Achew, or if it built-up, I type Ihh...Ihh...Ichew!

If blow nose, I type *quietly blows nose* or *cutely blows nose softly*

Sort of like when cough, I type *coughs once* or *harshly coughs five time*

Is there any other person that like to do same thing?

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If I was IM chatting to another sneeze fetishist, and I happen to sneeze, then I would have no problem with saying that I did it. But, if I were to be typing in a forum, then, like allergicto said, I would say it only if it was relevant.

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I would!

I'm pretty random so I'll type stuff like that

I'll just type *sneezes* as a random text. It's fun especially when they type back "bless u"

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If I'm chatting with a female fetishist and I sneeze, I'll mention that I sneezed or type it out or something along those lines. If its anyone else though, then I usually won't say anything. A few years ago I did talk to a female who wasn't from this community but still told me when she sneezed so I started telling her when I sneezed and I enjoyed doing that and we blessed each other, but most people who are not from this community don't say anything about sneezing so I don't say anything about sneezing.

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Hell ... IF that ever happens of course I'll say it :D.

Chances are so slim to nothing that i totally would feel the need to show that off :).

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