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Sneeze Fetish Forum

love 2 sneeze


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Wonderful indeed. My first love is male sneezing, but I do enjoy females as well and yours were yummy. Very wet and vunerable sounding. Many blesses to you darling. Thanks for sharing with us.

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Superb! Wonderfully explosive and uncontrollable! Were they all done at the same time? Because they sound as is they are getting bigger and wetter throughout, even after that very nice blow.

It really sounds as if you do. [Love 2 sneeze that is].

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Love_2, I'm long overdue with these kudos. And I have to agree with Dawnie: they were yummy, very wet and vulnerable sounding. You hit a home run -- or several. Were they induced, or part of your regular sneezing life? Either way, I'm glad to know that you're thinking of making more. These were wonderful. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm going to pull this thread back up to the top because I want L2S to know how thrilled sorry I was to hear that she has a sneezy cold. And the two new cold wavs you made are fantabulous. I hope you're feeling better already. B(

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