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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The count begins- Female, Self


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I know I must seem like a total geek, always posting my own obs, but because they are so infrequent, I feel like each one is so very special and I want to share. Last year, as you all know, I only had 3 natural sneezes, and so I was down from 6 in 2006. This year, I'm hoping for 6 or more. I know that's a tall order, but I'm off to a good start, I think! :hug:

This morning, I decided to make some pancakes for my middle child. My oldest was off to school already, and the littlest one was still sleeping (I think she's sick, poor thing). Anyway, as I was getting out the bowls and stuff, I felt the slightest prickle in my nose. I put the bowl down, and took a couple of steps towards the sink. The sensation was still in my nose, although not particularly strong. But, because I always love to see if I can make it into a sneeze, that's exactly what I did. I paused, and took a few controlled breaths in and out. Then, I took one short little gasp, "Eh," and then out came a soft and dry, "Chuh!" It was forceful enough to bend me over, but not really very loud.

The interesting thing? My daughter didn't bless me. Now, they all bless their dad, and each other, but I didn't get one. Oh well. Guess it's too much to ask for out of a 6 year old. :P

Edited by Sneesee
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Bless you.

My son use to bless me too, but now rarely does.

Thanks hon!

I wonder why that is. Strange. Oh well, I guess we always have forum people to bless us, right? :P

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Bless you! This is starting out 2008 on the right note, isn't it?

Perhaps your daughter didn't bless you because she isn't used to it, because you sneeze so very rarely? Just a thought!

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What you sneezed last year, I accomplised in the first hour of my day! :laugh:I'll have to coach you on your sneezing habits. :laugh:

I'm tempted to request proof :laugh: that's just teasing.

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Bless you! This is starting out 2008 on the right note, isn't it?

Perhaps your daughter didn't bless you because she isn't used to it, because you sneeze so very rarely? Just a thought!

I told her the same thing :bleh: Made plenty of sense to me as well.

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I'm tempted to request proof that's just teasing.

Visit the Share and Share Alike section.

Thank you :yes:

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Sneesee, maybe this will be the year you discover the allergen that will thrust you into the top tier of sneezers. And if not, we'll be happy to hear about the once-in-awhile variety.

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