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Sneeze Fetish Forum

OMG I told my gf! :O :)


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Well I dont know why, but suddenly I decided to tell my gf about the fetish. It was really hard for me to tell her, but after i got finished she asked ''is thats all why you are ashamed? You dont have too, its not strange at all.''

Well it seemed to be she has something like that too only a little bit different.(if u tickle her on an spot)

She told me she even had an ex with the same thing:O

Well after a while she looked suddenly into the light, but she couldnt make a sneeze :laugh:

thios could become very intresting :D

(sry for bas english, im just happy :cryhappy: )

Edited by lord of sneezing
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congratulations!!!!! hope it goes well for you :laugh: and adds some excitement to intimate time :D

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Brave, and smart, move. I'm sure it will be worth it for you. If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been together? See I'm considering telling the girl I'm seeing right now, or at least, telling her at some point. Like you, I'm sure, this makes me nervous, and I'd love to know what people though the "right time" was. Thanks!

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Brave, and smart, move. I'm sure it will be worth it for you. If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been together? See I'm considering telling the girl I'm seeing right now, or at least, telling her at some point. Like you, I'm sure, this makes me nervous, and I'd love to know what people though the "right time" was. Thanks!

well, there is no specific "right time" the best deciding factors are how comfortable you feel with your SO, as in their personality, and how accepting they are of you as a person. If the person truly loves and cares about you, telling them about the fetish isn't going to be such a big deal.

The chance of someone not being accepting of the fetish is very, very slim. :drool:

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Brave, and smart, move. I'm sure it will be worth it for you. If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been together? See I'm considering telling the girl I'm seeing right now, or at least, telling her at some point. Like you, I'm sure, this makes me nervous, and I'd love to know what people though the "right time" was. Thanks!

We had exactly 1 month. I told her after having sex. But I agree with King_of_the_ruins.

Ow yeah, its gonna be great :drool:

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Brave, and smart, move. I'm sure it will be worth it for you. If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been together? See I'm considering telling the girl I'm seeing right now, or at least, telling her at some point. Like you, I'm sure, this makes me nervous, and I'd love to know what people though the "right time" was. Thanks!

We had exactly 1 month. I told her after having sex. But I agree with King_of_the_ruins.

Ow yeah, its gonna be great :drool:

Thanks guys. I'll bear this in mind. And, again, congratulations!

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  • 4 years later...

I really wouldn't have guts to tell my girlfriend about my fetish... But it really doesn't matter because she guessed it herself...

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