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Sneeze Fetish Forum

bad memories


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I've had this fetish for as long as I can remember. probobly even as early as only four years of age.

Now I know this is probobly gonna sound really silly, but because sneezing had these "effects" on my body that I didn't understand, I grew up thinking I was a freak. Surly these "sensations" didn't happen to everyone. I was certain that I was the only one. I spent most of my childhood thinking that I was different from everyone else...I also felt as if I had a "secret" that no one could know.

I blame these early experiences for alot of the stuff thats wrong with me mentally to this day. (anxiety, ect)

Does anyone else have a simaler story. If so, I would love to hear it.

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i don't have the mental troubles, but i can certainly relate to the early childhood story :innocent:

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That's actually a pretty interestening point, since I've noticed that a lot of us around here have some kind of problems (not saying we're mentally ill, so please don't lynch me! :wacko: ).

Perhaps, in sensitive personalities, this "alienation" is a factor that contributes to problems ahead in life? If we hadn't had this fetish, it would be something else, but if you are a sensitive individual EVERYTHING that makes you "different" from the rest of the crowd contributes to problems. Being lesbian/gay/transgender, being fat, being skinny, being a redhead or being black or asian in a place where everyone is straight, average built, blonde, blue-eyed and whatever, it's like the story of the ugly duckling.

Sorry, maybe I'm digging too deep here.

Just take comfort in the fact that we're actually not alone, and here we're all swans! :cold3:

Edited by Chanel_no5
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You can call me mentally ill. I won't get mad :laugh:

Yeah, growing up, I thought of myself as some kind of freak. Looking at pictures of hot naked women or men didn't get me aroused, but imagining someone having an endless sneezing fit did :bleh: What the hell's wrong with me? Especially, in a public place, I would turn around to look at someone who kept sneezing, my mom would notice and ask me what was I doing. :blushing: Goes without saying that until I found this forum I thought I was the only one :evil:

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I'm in the exact same boat with you. I must have had my fettish since I was about four or five as well, I too thought I was a freak, and I also have anxiety problems.

I know how you feel, its hard to look back on those memories huh?

But I'm comfortable with myself now, so why should that hold me back for the future?

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I've had this fetish for as long as I can remember. probobly even as early as only four years of age.

Now I know this is probobly gonna sound really silly, but because sneezing had these "effects" on my body that I didn't understand, I grew up thinking I was a freak. Surly these "sensations" didn't happen to everyone. I was certain that I was the only one. I spent most of my childhood thinking that I was different from everyone else...I also felt as if I had a "secret" that no one could know.

I know exactly how you feel and I'm sure you are not alone.

Anyone who has REALLY gotten to know me in this community knows that I still battle with these same feelings :( You used the word "freak" this is a term I have offen called myself :( Being a girl who wasn't just into sneezing but also very into a certain cartoon canines sneezes I always felt like the odd one out. I remember back in junior high, high school and even college feeling like there was something very wrong with me :( I would see other girls talking about how cute this guy was or how gorgeous Brad Pitt is and I would be thinking about Scoobys nose :blushing: Becouse of this I had some really troubled times :( I even went so far as to see a therapist my senior year of college becouse I honestly felt I had to deal with this issue before I had to enter the real world.

I wish I had a happy ending to my story. To this day I still deal with these same issues but for the most part I have gotten better and I have this forum and the friends I have made on it to thank for that :cryhappy:

I hope that what I have said helps you a little. Please always remember that you are not alone :) If you need to please feel free to pm me, I would be happy to talk :)

Please take care,

Daphine :)

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I think we are all in the same boat. :( Feeling totally alone with our 'unique' feelings of sexuality towards sneezing, until oneday... we typed "SNEEZE" on a search engine, to find that we arent alone! :(

One of the happiest days of my life. :(

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I always thought I was sort of crazy. I remember always being very interested in seeing other people sneeze. Never me. No one ever sees me sneeze. And i don't like it if someone in my house sneezes. But people on the bus, in a waiting room, in the bank. I try to watch with out appearing that I am watching. And on tv. I remember taping with my panosonic with the mic hanging over the knob ( this is way before vcr's!) Jan brady, Dick Van Dyke, GilagIn, Batman and Robert Redford in bare foot in the park and playing it again and again and again-but only when I was alone. When I dsicovered fan fiction I always looked up the stories when Legalos was sick or Harry Potter was sick. By accident I found tarotgols realm and then this forum.

Thanks for listening!


Edited by Lynne
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I think we are all in the same boat. :) Feeling totally alone with our 'unique' feelings of sexuality towards sneezing, until oneday... we typed "SNEEZE" on a search engine, to find that we arent alone! :D

One of the happiest days of my life. :drool:

Yeah, well I had the fetish back in the days when a computer was a machine the size of a refrigerator that had to be kept in "cold storage." And personal computers existed only on "Star Trek." :wub:

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That's actually a pretty interestening point, since I've noticed that a lot of us around here have some kind of problems (not saying we're mentally ill, so please don't lynch me! :laugh: ).

Perhaps, in sensitive personalities, this "alienation" is a factor that contributes to problems ahead in life? If we hadn't had this fetish, it would be something else, but if you are a sensitive individual EVERYTHING that makes you "different" from the rest of the crowd contributes to problems. Being lesbian/gay/transgender, being fat, being skinny, being a redhead or being black or asian in a place where everyone is straight, average built, blonde, blue-eyed and whatever, it's like the story of the ugly duckling.

Sorry, maybe I'm digging too deep here.

Just take comfort in the fact that we're actually not alone, and here we're all swans! :blushing:

I agree with what you've said. I've noticed that too, and I'm not saying that its a bad thing. I know for a fact I have anxiety problems. I've always been curious about the connection, if there was one. Who knows.

But I do know that finding out that I wasn't completely alone with the fetish at a young age was helpful. Even though we aren't alone here its really neat that each of us has different interests in regards to the fetish. Goes to show that each of us is an individual.

I have lots of poor memories about discovering what it meant that this was a fetish that I try, and its hard, but I try to embrace them. I try to say that I like where I'm now and where I'm headed. That past was what brought me here. Even if it sucked, it was what makes me me. And your past makes you, you :) So I say try not to let them bring you down.

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I think we are all in the same boat. :yes: Feeling totally alone with our 'unique' feelings of sexuality towards sneezing, until oneday... we typed "SNEEZE" on a search engine, to find that we arent alone! :nohappy:

One of the happiest days of my life. :winkkiss:

Ditto what Sternuto says (my "one of the happiest days" came at a late age - I think I was 36). And I still deal with anxiety issues and feeling "different" even though I know there are many others like me out there. But thankfully there is the Internet and this community, or we would all still be dealing with it alone and lonely.

How many of us must there have been since the beginning of time until the birth of the Internet???? Can you imagine living in the "Little House on the Prairie" days and having this fetish? How awful!!! :cry:

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i don't have the mental troubles, but i can certainly relate to the early childhood story :winkkiss:

Same here. I mean I have my own mental issues. I do suffer from depression, but I really don't think that has to do with the fetish. However, I do think that I may have developed some "hang ups" early on because of that feeling of alienation.

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I think we are all in the same boat. :yes: Feeling totally alone with our 'unique' feelings of sexuality towards sneezing, until oneday... we typed "SNEEZE" on a search engine, to find that we arent alone! :cry:

One of the happiest days of my life. :winkkiss:

very, very true. i thought i was alone, a freak, never to have anyone to speak to about this. but now, even though i havent found anyone in real life.. i have this forum, and people who do share my fetish.. as rare as it may be.

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Yep. I felt the same way. (Only one, wierd, uncomfortable, didn't understand, etc...). I came to accept it as a fetish in my teen years, but still assumed I was the only one until I found... "Sneezing Fetish Online" I think it was. And Sneezing Girls and ToS shortly there after. I don't know how mnay times I wrote (and read) "I thought I was the only one" for almost the first month or so!

But I never developed any "mental problems" (whatever those are!) :winkkiss: mainly because I never really gave a shit. I don't really care what other people think and never did. It's hardly the only way I'm not "normal" (whatever that means!) so while I kept it as an embarrassing secret, it didn't necessarily bother me to HAVE an embarrassing secret. (That much I figured I DID have in common with everybody else!) :yes:

Edited by Niceguy
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