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Wild Allergy Fit (self, f)


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Last night, I went with my friend Lilly to help her grandmother put away Christmas decorations. It's a tiny house in the suburbs with just one story and an attic, where all of the decorations boxes are kept. I began bringing all of the Christmas things into the living room while Lilly and her grandmother put them in boxes.

Almost as soon as we started, I began to get an unbearably tickly feeling deep in my nose. I tried rubbing and blowing my nose, but it wouldn't stop. After a minute, I sneezed twice. I was hoping that the mysterious tickle would go away, but it only worse. About a minute later, I sneezed again, this time a triple. For the next twenty minutes, I kept sneezing, in doubles or triples every few minutes. Every time I sneezed, Lilly and her grandmother blessed me and we laughed.

While I had been gathering the decorations, the other two had been boxing them. I began to help them finish boxing everyting. Suddenly, I realized what had been making me sneeze. All of the ornaments were kept in old cardboard boxes and tissue paper that were practically wheezing with dust. I told myself that the sooner we were done, the sooner we could leave and started helping them box. Big mistake. I went into a fit of sneezes; I was getting embarrassed with all of my sneezing, so I tried to stifle these--which only made the urge to sneeze more insistent. I excused myself to the bathroom, where I let out a dozen or so sneezes in groups of two or three. When I had calmed down a little, I went back out and tried to help without actually going near the boxes, which only half worked. I explained about how all of the dust was triggering my allergies and apologized for all of my sneezing. Lilly offered to take me back I my apartment but I said that I would be fine and insisted we finish.

At this point, all of the boxes were packed, and ready to be taken to the attic. Lilly is still getting over a sprained ankle and her grandmother is in a wheelchair, so the lot fell to lucky me. Lilly handed the boxes up to me, and I put them away. Another big mistake. If the boxes were bad, the attic was terrible. Thick dust covered everything and it was nearly palpable in the air. Lilly's grandmother had given me a mask for my face, which helped a bit, but i still sneezed 30 or 40 times, some stifles, some regular. By the time we were done, I could not have been more of an allergic mess. Lilly's grandmother felt really bad for me. We left and Lilly dropped me off at my apartment.

I'm doing better today, but I woke up pretty sneezy. I'm definitely not going to help anyone undecorate anytime soon!

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Christmas decorations are always sources of allergies, because of dust...

Hope you feel better, thx for sharing

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Bless you! Great obs! I've had fits like that myself, and I know it can be quite exhausting. But look at the bright side; if you ever need help putting away your own decorations, I'm sure you could find lots of willing volunteers here!

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thanx for sharing this obs.

Dude, the ratings are just rude. Disclaimer: this is my personal opinion, and I am not posting this as a moderator (I'll let someone else do that).

Edited by High On Lullabies
Rating removed from quote
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Well, I really hope you got some enjoyment out of it all; if not, it sounds a bit as if your goodwill was being exploited.

But at least you have given all of us a fabulous treat...

Wearing a mask? Interesting....

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count, I wear painters' masks when I change the cat litter for just that reason :(

I also wear 'em when I dust and vacuum. . . :( [threadjack over]

Sophie: thanks for the observation. Poor you! Hope you feel better.

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Thanks, everyone. I'm feeling much better now. Isn't it crazy when you get a big reaction to something out of the blue? At the time, it was part annoying, part embarrassing, but looking back it wasn't too bad . . . kinda fun :(

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Blesses. I have same problem around dust. Being a guy I'm a terrible housekeeper to boot. oh well just need to find a dust free location. lol once i start nearly impossible for me to stop.

Edited by Lynne
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Thanks, everyone. I'm feeling much better now. Isn't it crazy when you get a big reaction to something out of the blue? At the time, it was part annoying, part embarrassing, but looking back it wasn't too bad . . . kinda fun :)

I'm glad you ended up feeling that way. Who knows... you might be back again next time. :yes: You also know what to do if you want to bring on a wild allergy fit. Thanks for the yummy self-obs.!

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