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Sneeze Fetish Forum



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Hi everyone!

I haven't been in this forum for long, and have only made a few posts, and have just realised that it might be a good idea to introduce myself.

So... Umm.. Hi... :mellow:

I'm still new to the whole fetish thing. I knew that they existed, I just never realised that I had one. And sneezing? I always thought that a fetish was just leather or stufff like that. I was thrilled to find out that there are people who are like me. As of yet, I can't bring myself to tell anyone about my fetish, and can't even say the word sneeze. Yeah, I'm kinda the shy type.

So, I guess I've babbled for long enough, so...

Bye for now!

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Welcome! In just abot 3 years, I went form being someone who really shied away from talking about sneezing, to a woman who's wearing the word on her chest, literally! And I think a lot of it has to do with finding such like-minded people. Hope you enjoy it here, lots to discuss. Glad you liked the cheesecake!

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Welcome! In just abot 3 years, I went form being someone who really shied away from talking about sneezing, to a woman who's wearing the word on her chest, literally!

Lord, woman, don't tell her that!!! She'll think we hold people down and brand them ROFL (joking!!!)

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Hello! Glad you found the forum. I've been around a LONG time, just took me a while to "officially" join up and I don't post very often. Bondi's probably the only one here who even knows me! But I digress... Just wanted to let you know that I, too, find it difficult to say the word "sneeze" and I shy away from any conversation centered around it. Makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable when it's brought up but I do somehow manage to effectively change the subject every time!

Kessie :)

*goes back into lurkdome*

*peeks back out*

Um...... Is there any cheesecake left? :)


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Just wanted to let you know that I, too, find it difficult to say the word "sneeze" and I shy away from any conversation centered around it. Makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable when it's brought up but I do somehow manage to effectively change the subject every time!

Yay! Someone else! Here, you can have some of my cheesecake :)

Edited by Lynne
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Kessie, I can totally sympathize. Even with my SO (who is a member of this forum as well), I can only say it when we're discussing forum staff stuff, and ONLY if it's part of someone's user name :)

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Hey there! Great to see a new addition to the community, though for some reason I feel like I recognize your username from somewhere.

I try not to say words like "sneeze" or "allergies" either, but I have my moments... Such as when I'm trying to get someone attractive to elaborate on the subject for me... :)

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Just wanted to let you know that I, too, find it difficult to say the word "sneeze" and I shy away from any conversation centered around it. Makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable when it's brought up but I do somehow manage to effectively change the subject every time!

Yay! Someone else! Here, you can have some of my cheesecake :)

*slurp* Mmmmmm... They make good cheesecake here! Thanks for sharing!!!

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Kessie, I can totally sympathize. Even with my SO (who is a member of this forum as well), I can only say it when we're discussing forum staff stuff, and ONLY if it's part of someone's user name :)

As always, it's great to know I'm not the only one!! That should be our motto, huh???: "Yay - I'm not the only one!"

Anyway, how cool that your SO is a member of this forum!!! I'm actually engaged and haven't yet told him, but he knows I have a "weird fetish". I'll probably tell him one of these moons (what makes it POTENTIALLY easier is he has a thing for feet) but I'm still too shy to actually spill..... just yet.... Thankfully, he's very patient! *whew*

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