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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Alone or in company ?


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I'm wondering am I the only human being built to love the sneezing, enjoy the blow and the allergies, but adore wiping of the nose. Am I alone in the field on this one ? Curiosity killed the cat as it relates to this post, because i've been wanting to ask this for quite some time, and just figured, the hell with it, sombody might share the interest.

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Well I certainly enjoy someone wiping there nose. Usually because it means they just sneezed or they're gonna. :laugh::laugh:

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  • 1 month later...

I just love an itchy nose in general. Thats what I'm talking about. I would prefer someone use tissue for the snotty nose though :) . I love the allergic salute thing with the palm, Its something about the way the nose wrinkles that gets to me. As I've mentioned before for years I've thought I was alone due to the fact that this makes the sneeze fetish more productive, if you know what im mean.

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Oh, I absolutely love nose wiping, especially when the wiper has a runny nose because that's another part of my fetish... yay!

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