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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wondering about a hypothetical situation


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Who has been in a relationship for a while, still being in the SF closet having the mental block and your SO's own sneezing has prompted them at some point to ask you why you don't sneeze? I would probably say "I never sneeze. No, really. I don't know why" and make a big joke out of it. Conversely, has that sort of awkward situation elicited any confessions from you and if so, what were the reactions?

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I've never had that happen but always wondered what I'd say if it did! This conversation is one I totally fear. I guess I'd probably just say something along the lines of "Oh I hadn't noticed" and try to change the subject.

Sorry.... I responded to your post without being able to describe an actual experience... :laugh:

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I've been in my relationship for coming on 20 years and I've never sneezed in front of my s.o.

Yes, she has noticed and metioned it a couple of times. I've always just shrugged my shoulders and said something like 'I dunno - I just don't sneeze' However, I think she has now sussed that I'm a sneeze fetishist.

But being the lovely, compassionate, classy and understanding lady that she is, its never brought up, even when we've had a row.

I must admit I really wish I'd sneezed in her presence when we first met, but if i started now it would probably frighten her to death and it would be very uncomfortable for me.

Edited by haymaker
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I've been in my relationship for coming on 20 years and I've never sneezed in front of my s.o.

But being the lovely, compassionate, classy and understanding lady that she is, its never brought up, even when we've had a row.

Sneezing conversation aside, what a very sweet way to talk about your relationship after 20 years together. I was very touched by your comments and like to think (hope) that myself and my fiance have the sort of relationship where we can talk this way about each other after 20 years.

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I've never sneezed in front of or within earshot of any guy I've been involved with, and none of them has ever asked about it. If they did, I'd just say I rarely sneeze. I don't think it would be a big deal.

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If it's any help, you can always say that you almost never sneeze. It's not as uncommon as that. I know people who claim to sneeze only a couple of times a year, which I can believe, as I have never seen them sneeze, so you could just be one of these sneezeless people.

But I don't think most people would even notice.

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Great responses, all! So the follow up question is, and this is primarily if you are living with your partner...... When you have a bad cold, the kind where you know you'll have to sneeze big at some point to make the tickle go away at least temporarily, what do you do? Do you run into the bathroom, possibly telegraphing that you have an issue with sneezing in front of anyone, or just let nature take its course?

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so wait.. if i understand correctly, most of you dont like sneezing in front of our significant others right? that makes me think! i used to have an ex girlfriend who was much like that. and then sometime during our relationship she confessed to me she liked the feeling of a sneeze, she said it felt good. and there were some other times where we discussed sneezing and even did sneeze together under the guise of some experiment. could she have had the fetish? am i thinking too much? haha. :innocent:

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Yes, I do believe it was quite possible that she had the fetish...I would think it would be more common than any of us would guess, just because a sneeze so closely mimics orgasm. I would think that most people, fetishists and non-fetishists, MUST have noticed this at some point. The build-up, the climax...A sneeze IS an orgasm!! :innocent:

Edited by Lynne
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haha yeah thats what i would assume logically. i think of that as why some people online respond to sneeze fetish material as "i think i can see why they find sneezing attractive".. but damn! maybe i should have looked into that some more, but then again.. back then i was still in the process of kind of denying my fetish to myself.. this site has helped me open up alot. NOT that id tell anyone yet hahahha.. but you know! IM NOT ALONE! :winkkiss:

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haha yeah thats what i would assume logically. i think of that as why some people online respond to sneeze fetish material as "i think i can see why they find sneezing attractive".. but damn! maybe i should have looked into that some more, but then again.. back then i was still in the process of kind of denying my fetish to myself.. this site has helped me open up alot. NOT that id tell anyone yet hahahha.. but you know! IM NOT ALONE! :laugh:

Oh lord I would never, EVER tell anyone about this fetish. EVER. I am content to bask in the utopia that is this forum, where I know I will not be judged (at least not because of my fetish haha). My best friend in the world does not even know about this. When I hear people saying they have told others i have to give them props for being so brave!! Personally, I like to gush about my sneezing obsession on this forum, and then when I go back out into the world (don't know how else to word that lol) it's like I have this special secret that absolutely no one else knows. I'm pretty sure this is the only secret that I have not told to at least one trustworthy person, like my bff or ex-SO.

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In relation to the post, I would definitely agree with all who've said say something along the lines of, "I guess I just don't sneeze much." No SO has ever called me on the fact that I don't sneeze, but if one had, that's what I would say. No need to confess if you don't want to, in this situation. Now, if an SO caught you looking at the Forum, it might be a different story :laugh:

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haha yeah thats what i would assume logically. i think of that as why some people online respond to sneeze fetish material as "i think i can see why they find sneezing attractive".. but damn! maybe i should have looked into that some more, but then again.. back then i was still in the process of kind of denying my fetish to myself.. this site has helped me open up alot. NOT that id tell anyone yet hahahha.. but you know! IM NOT ALONE! :laugh:

Oh lord I would never, EVER tell anyone about this fetish. EVER. I am content to bask in the utopia that is this forum, where I know I will not be judged (at least not because of my fetish haha). My best friend in the world does not even know about this. When I hear people saying they have told others i have to give them props for being so brave!! Personally, I like to gush about my sneezing obsession on this forum, and then when I go back out into the world (don't know how else to word that lol) it's like I have this special secret that absolutely no one else knows. I'm pretty sure this is the only secret that I have not told to at least one trustworthy person, like my bff or ex-SO.

i totally agree there. i remind myself daily that this site cannot be my opening to everyone. it has to remain this site alone.

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