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Sneeze Fetish Forum

My teacher


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Well, I'm new here, but i thought I'd give this a try...so bear with me as i dont have much practice with this yet.

I had a teacher a few years ago, and he told our class from the beginning of the year that he had a lot of allergies so we should never make too much dust from the chalk board when he was around because he was "very very allergic". Well some people thought this was funny, and i definitely thought it was interesting, so many kids would go behind him and hit the erasers to create dust.

one afternoon in particular, he was sitting at a table when this happened. he started sneezing loudly AtcHOOO HachOO-CHOO AAACHOO....and frantically tried to figure out what was making him sneeze. when he found out, he tried to talk between sneezes, and tell the kids never to do that again. I just watched in awe...

he seemed very irritated by the whole incident, but it is one ob that i'll alway remember.

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Nice obs. I can't imagine a teacher who is that allergic to chalk dust staying in the class room. Must have been torture for him, but fun for others :drool:

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I think under the Disabilities Act he should have filed a request for a whiteboard instead of a chalkboard. Or doesn't the Disabilities Act cover severe allergies? :D

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Firstly, welcome to the forum! Secondly, wow. As SO many people on here probably know, sneezy teachers (especially male ones) are like, my favourite daydreams, ever. You are SO lucky. I would definitely have just sat there in awkward awe as well. Fabulous obs.


I think under the Disabilities Act he should have filed a request for a whiteboard instead of a chalkboard. Or doesn't the Disabilities Act cover severe allergies? :innocent:

Wow I hope it does. 'Coz I'm heading straight over to apply for a job vetting those applications :unsure: "We just need to check how 'severe' we're talking about..." :)

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Welcome to the forum ! What memories ! I have been in contact with several teachers who were allergic to chalk, but it translated into asthma-like symptoms rather than sneezing, and I never saw any of them sneeze. So you were lucky that the teacher had exactly the right sort of allergy !

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