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the smell of a sneeze


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i think sneezes for the most part have a distinct smell, or no smell at all. and to me, i can either like this smell.. like if its by someone who i find attractive etc. but for family members, or people who i dont find attractive, its like the plague for me, i want to leave the room just incase it ever reaches my nose.. what do you guys think?

it all started for me one day when a cute japanese girl at my school, who used to have sneeze attacks regularly if there was any sort of dust around started sneezing like crazy in the car one day. she couldnt cover her mouth, but with her amount of sneezing i doubt it would have helped. but i got that smell, and it actually kind of drove me crazy. is it cause im just crazy??


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Never smelled a sneeze. But there is bacteria in the nose when people are congested, have severe allergies, or colds. It may be this bacteria that you smell and not necessary the sneeze. On second thought, there's bacteria in the nose all the time, but it becomes more pronounced when a person is sick or has allergies.

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Hmm. It's probably bacteria in the expelled saliva you're smelling.

No offense to you, justmistme, or anyone else who finds that smell attractive, but I find it very repulsive. But we all have different feelings regarding the sneeze and the fetish here, so I don't think you're crazy at all.

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green is right

the smell is coming from the mist being sprayed into the air. it's the smell of spit.

i personally love this smell and find it really erotic :laugh:

Edited by Lynne
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I was going to post a topic regaurding to what people would want a sneeze to smell like. Maybe I still will, but this kind of dampens it, (no offense). I'm still going to create the topic do to the fact my idea towards the post is fiction and this is clearly serious. No though, iv'e never smelled a sneeze, and I think it would be spit if it ever crossed these nose hairs. :bleh:

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If the person has good oral hygiene, then yes, the spit is highly erotic as I can testify from countless "occurrences".

Edited by Lynne
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Never noticed, and I have to say this sounds a bit disgusting to me. On the other hand, if someone were allergic to this smell--well that would just open up a whole world of possibilities, wouldn't it?

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  • 5 years later...

green is right

the smell is coming from the mist being sprayed into the air. it's the smell of spit.

i personally love this smell and find it really erotic Oi8vd3d3LnNuZWV6ZWZldGlzaGZvcnVtLm9yZy9mb3J1bXMvL3B1YmxpYy9zdHlsZV9lbW90aWNvbnMvZGVmYXVsdC9sYXVnaGluZy5naWY%3D

Me too!! I love that smell X3

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I've never noticed any smell - do you think it's the sneeze itself or is it the breath of the person who sneezed? If you don't mine me asking, can you smell your own sneezes or just other peoples?

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I've never noticed any smell - do you think it's the sneeze itself or is it the breath of the person who sneezed? If you don't mine me asking, can you smell your own sneezes or just other peoples?

I'd say it's the smell of saliva thats been sprayed by a sneeze. I have both smelled my own and other people's sneezes, and it's always that distinct smell.

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I've heard of people having a pleasant sweet smell to their sneezes, but the only smell I've ever experienced is the one that comes from a sinus infection and it is RANK. :mellow:

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green is right

the smell is coming from the mist being sprayed into the air. it's the smell of spit.

i personally love this smell and find it really erotic laughing.gif

Same here.

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^^ my sentiment exactly :lol:

I can't say I've noticed them to have a smell. Ever.

Probably because I never get close enough to get germified by them :P

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I have noticed a few distinct smells, but I really don't find it attractive. I guess I'm only turned on by the sounds of sneezes.

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green is right

the smell is coming from the mist being sprayed into the air. it's the smell of spit.

i personally love this smell and find it really erotic />

Same here.

Yay!! />

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
On 1/27/2008 at 5:30 PM, Mr Sneezy said:

If the person has good oral hygiene, then yes, the spit is highly erotic as I can testify from countless "occurrences".

I'm damn curious to know about those "occurences" hahaahah *I personally also think the smell is erotic, and I absolutely agree with you!*

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On Tuesday, 28 June 2016 at 7:51 AM, muskysneeze said:

I'm damn curious to know about those "occurences" hahaahah *I personally also think the smell is erotic, and I absolutely agree with you!*

I think I may have already told you about some of those "occurances", dear. *bats eyes*

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