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Nose Blowing Protest

Guest XXL

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Ah, I hope the next generation will be more civilized, and the men of my age and younger will drop this disgraceful habit and settle for sniffling their runny noses to the point of sounding ridiculously stuffed. :D

:unsure: Bwahahaha bring it on!


Great find, XXL, this totally cracked me up! :laugh:

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All I can say is that I really don't understand some people's priorities ;)

The connection between public nose-blowing and republicanism... this doesn't make any sense to me, but I'm not American. Can anybody else explain it, or is it really just as silly as it sounds?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest UncommonCold
Ah, I hope the next generation will be more civilized, and the men of my age and younger will drop this disgraceful habit and settle for sniffling their runny noses to the point of sounding ridiculously stuffed. :winkkiss:

Yup, totally agree!!!

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The connection between public nose-blowing and republicanism... this doesn't make any sense to me, but I'm not American. Can anybody else explain it, or is it really just as silly as it sounds?

It has nothing to do with Republicanism...the person who wrote it just seems incredibly ignorant.

Is it really that bad?

I mean I prefer sniffly guys B) anyday, but the article makes it seem like a sin or something...

I just want to give him a pat on the shoulder and say "It's ok. The men in white [jackets] are here to take you to a better place." He seriously scared me- like one of those people that is quiet and shy, but they are secretly plotting to rule the world and kill everyone :blink: *shudders*

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