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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Story Request

Liberty Belle

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I have been devoting a ridiculous amount of time to the XBOX 360 game, Mass Effect (if you don't have it already, go get it, seriously. It's one of those games that has something to appeal to everyone, and is very story-driven, allowing you to put emphasis on gaming elements that you like, and downplay those that you don't.)

It also has a nifty feature that allows you to customize your player character. Let's just say I was very careful in selecting his nose.

Ahem, anyway...

On the off chance that there's anyone out there who also knows / has played the game... I'd love to see a fic about Kaiden Alenko.

There are "romantic subplots" to the game, and I'm just now replaying the whole game as a female, so that I can romance quiet, introspective Kaiden. There doesn't seem to be any sneezing in the game, but I do know there's a quote from him (the non-player characters frequently talk to one another while you're doing things like riding in elevators.)

Kaiden asks one of the aliens why she's wearing a mask, and she explains that her species wears ventilators to protect their weak immune systems from foreign germs. Kaiden replies, "Ah. Well, I'll try not to sneeze."

So....anybody? No? Hah?

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Interesting, annoyingly I don't have the game (damn you money) but I might have time to write something. Don't count on it but I'll put it on the to do list.

*lifts list, puts note under. rolls back stone*

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Interesting. I've never once heard that quote, but that's probably because I haven't used Tali for anything.

I always wanted to try writing a Mass Effect fic, especially with Ashley having quite the sexy body (and pair of nostrils... :laugh: ) though I never really got around to it. It sounds like you're into male sneezing, so whatever I do probably won't appeal to you much, but maybe if I have the time, I could give it a shot. Both male and female characters could sneeze, fun for the whole family.

I've already got the basis for a story idea. One of the planets not related to the plot which you can land on has a level one hazard, the reason for which being spores in the air which only native inhabitants are immune to. I'll have to go back and check which planet that was.

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I've already got the basis for a story idea. One of the planets not related to the plot which you can land on has a level one hazard, the reason for which being spores in the air which only native inhabitants are immune to. I'll have to go back and check which planet that was.

That was a thought of mine, as well -- there are PLENTY of choice opportunities throughout the game: ice planets and dismal, rainy planets (perfect for catching cold), plus several planets with big pollen-like spores floating around.

If no one else does it, I might take a stab at it, but... sometimes it's just nice to have someone else do the work for you ;p And at that point, I'd probably just "reimagine" Kaiden into a quiet, introspective original character of my own ;>

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Kaidan's pretty quiet as it is. If he has an opinion, he makes sure that it's heard, but otherwise he doesn't talk much.

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