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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Are most people aware of how loud their noseblowing is? and an obs (m)


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Hi all,

I just wondered if you all think that most people know whether their noseblowing is loud or quiet. An ex of mine said he had no idea whether he was loud or not, he just blew his nose and that was that!

I guess most people that don't share the fetish are like this.

What got me wondering was I saw a guy with a mate in a Chinese restaurant, he blew his nose during the meal on the paper napkin it was a loudish honk, then after they'd both finished eating and were about to leave he blew it again this time louder with a real honk, only one but it was loud. I wonder if he had to blow hard but made sure they'd both stopped eating. Must admit I don't honk my nose when people are eating, including anyone else in the restaurant, I just think it's bad manners.

I did get a couple of stares tonight though coming home on the train, I think I might be developing a cold my nose needed a blow (mixture of a possible cold and cold weather I think). I pulled out my white hanky unfolded it and blew my nose hard each nostril seperately then both together, each blow was a loud honk (I usually only honk when I blow both nostrils together). I then had a good wipe and put the hanky away.

I still think though even though my blowing was loud it was quick, unlike 2 seperate guys in my carriage who sniffed for a constant 20 minutes till I got off!

Enough rambling for one night!



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