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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I now know why I enjoy allergy sneezes versus cold ones.


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When it comes to stories, pictures, visualizations, anything I have never been a fan of the "cold induced" sneezing. I've always just had a "thing" for the allergy sneeze... and now I know why. I've caught "that" cold. That cliche cold you see in the movies, read about in books, etc. where it's just sneeze after sneeze, but oh God... the misery that comes along with it. I can't stand it. Even after the fits pass you're still left with that pounding headache and constant fatigue. It's... horrible, unlike allergies which you can recover from after a few minutes or an hour or two depending on the severity.

Anyway. Yeah, I'm a fan of the "caretaker" stories, but only for that element. I now remember why I couldn't really get into cold sneezing because I know how hard it must be to enjoy it when there's such a large misery element to go along with it. Blah. It kinda... sucks, in all honesty.

::runs off to read allergy based fanfic to make an attempt to feel better::

Sorry if this offends anyone. :D

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Sounds sensible, even though I love both. I actually love the misery part, as long as it's not TOO much misery.

It always seems like it's too much misery when it's you, lol. :D

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Isn't it great to understand oneself in these things better! :wub:

It's also interesting how things "outside" the sneezes themselves can affect so greatly to their appeal. Personally as your complete opposite in this thing I find the misery very appealing in itself, but the "allergic fussing" ("take that thing away from me, I'm allergic!" or "those things are evil, they are hard to clean up/ collect dust and I'm allergic") is something quite intolerable to me and makes me almost unable to enjoy allergic sneezing, which is a pity indeed. I kind of envy people who can enjoy both equally.

But it's great that there's enough room for all of us. And it's always an interesting read when people come into this kind of realisations. :D

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Guest LadyErisana

I very rarely sneeze at all, even when sick, so having a cold for me=general misery. however, it doesnt stop me from taking the pleasure of tormenting my fanfic characters LOL.

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. . . .unlike allergies which you can recover from after a few minutes or an hour or two depending on the severity.

Um, I hate to break it to you, but there's just as much -- if not more -- misery involved in having allergies. Would be nice if it were a few minutes' or an hour's recovery! Not quite. At least with a cold, you know it will be over in 7-10 days, and then you'll be well for a long time. With allergies, the reaction is usually unexpected (since you can't SEE allergens), can go on and on and on, day after day, with different annoying and frustrating symptoms, there are complications (like asthma or sinus infections), and you need all kinds of expensive medications to control yourself. And the headache and fatigue accompanying an allergic reaction is just as much as with a cold, if not more. Think of it this way -- in fighting off a cold virus the body is having an immune reaction similar to the way it fights off an allergen, but with an allergy it's an abnormal immune reaction and can be much stronger than the reaction to a cold virus.

Yet, I must admit that, like you, allergy sneezes do it for me -- just not my own, thank you very much. But the misery aspect disturbs me greatly and makes me feel guilty, because I know what it's like.

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Wise words of course. Some allergy symptoms should be taken out and shot.

However, I too, hate the icky feeling that comes with a cold.

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Guest LadyErisana

good point! that's very true--colds never last more than a week, so i couldn't imagine feeling clogged up/gross all year round or for certain seasons. *hugs tight*

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Sorry if this offends anyone. :yes:

I don't think there's anything offensive in what you wrote. And I hope you won't mind the images that exploded in my mind when I read:

where it's just sneeze after sneeze, but oh God... the misery that comes along with it. I can't stand it.

At the same time, I'm sorry that you're not feeling well, and I hope you're better soon.

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