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opinions on giving and receiving...........a cold that is!


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i was wondering how the majority of people felt about getting a cold first of all. next what is your opinion on getting a cold from someone else and giving someone a cold. it's cold season and see everyone is getting sick so i was just wondering.

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as long as its not too bad im fine. never really tried to give one to anyone, but i know that happens! but im pretty much sick half the time anyways haha. :chickawow:

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I must confess that since coming here I have become much more fascinated by colds. Mostly I don't mind catching them, there's not much you can do anyway.

And sometimes I find the thought of contagion / infectiousness hot. For example I love the thought of people with colds sneezing uncovered in rooms where lots of people are going to congregate shortly, or especially cold sneezes in a confined space such as a train or plane.

And I have accidentally given someone a very sneezy cold before....and found it really hot to know that it came from me!

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Well obviously I can't be sure. But I worked in an office and I had the sneeziest cold of my entire life. I just sat there sneezing all day and it was really very messy becuase my nose was running pretty much continuously with clear watery mucus. I had more or less given up on any thought of not contaminating the stuff on my desk.....and especially the phone because I was using it a large percentage of the time with tissues which kept getting soaked through clutched to my nose or in my hand etc.

Anyway, my boss came through and without asking stole my phone and ran off into his office. I didn't have a huge amount of contact with him other than that but the phone must have been absolutly covered......

The next week when he came in he had a very sneezy cold. And of course I can't prove it was the same one. But I'd like to think it might have been!

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Guest LadyErisana

I just got over a really bad cold this past weekend and it always sucks when it's you lol. i rarely sneeze, so for me it's a lot of congestion, fever, body aches, etc. general nausea and just feeling icky. :*( im so glad it's almost gone.

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i hate getting colds...i just had one all last month...and they always have the same lousy affects on me. they ALWAYS screw up my throat in some way...can barely sleep at night, and plus my voice usually goes away. they never make me sneeze that much..if anything theyll just make it impossible for me to breathe at night. and as for giving someone a cold, ive never done that before...id probably just feel guilty about it afterwards..since their pain is our pleasure, no? :yes:

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Well obviously I can't be sure. But I worked in an office and I had the sneeziest cold of my entire life. I just sat there sneezing all day and it was really very messy becuase my nose was running pretty much continuously with clear watery mucus. I had more or less given up on any thought of not contaminating the stuff on my desk.....and especially the phone because I was using it a large percentage of the time with tissues which kept getting soaked through clutched to my nose or in my hand etc.

Anyway, my boss came through and without asking stole my phone and ran off into his office. I didn't have a huge amount of contact with him other than that but the phone must have been absolutly covered......

The next week when he came in he had a very sneezy cold. And of course I can't prove it was the same one. But I'd like to think it might have been!


oops.. did someone see that??


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Actually, I somehow like having colds. When I catch it from someone I really don't mind, but I usually joke about how its their fault I'm "miserable." When I give someone a cold, I can't help but feel a little guilty, since I usually still attend class even when I am sick.

Soo...yeah. Even though I feel bad with a cold, I enjoy it.

Actually trying to catch one myself. (But I'm not going to extreme lengths.) My friend has one now and she hates it, but argh I'm just so freaking jelous! :doh:

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Haha! Char, I feel the exact same way! I LOVE colds. But I hardly get them at all. Everyone else seems to. I really get jealous of them! (But yes, I know they are miserable.)


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Well, since my colds are never really sneezy ones, I prefer not to get sick. And my immune system is pretty darn good where I don't catch many colds. one a year at the most. I've gone years without even one. But...

I love the idea of someone catching a cold from me. And there are a few guys out there I wouldn't mind catching a cold from, just because they are that special to me. He he he. And there was a time, when I know I accidentally gave someone my cold, and was actually rather happy about it. And honestly, it was his fault he caught it, not mine. I think I was just starting to get a sore throat, so I wasn't even sick, but obviously contagious. And my friend Head Cashier Jeff and I both had Mountain Dew to drink. Mine was with me at the service desk, and his was at the returns register. I was helping a customer, and when I had finished and turned around, he was drinking my Mountain Dew, and throwing the empty bottle away. I was like, "That was mine." He felt bad. Of course, he felt worse about a week later when he came down with a really bad cold, right after I had gotten better. He never actually blamed me for it. I'm not sure if he even realized that he probably got it from me. But, I know it was from me.

And the best part about it? I didn't sneeze at all during that cold, but it made him really sneezy. Of course, he's a much sneezier person than me anyway. But, that was about the time I finally confessed my fetish to him, so it all worked out.

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I never catch colds. I never catch anything. Somehow I was born with Superman's immune system. We're talking maybe once every three or four years here. On the very rare occasions when I do get sick, it's nearly always chest infections with an impressively disgusting Doc Holliday cough. :yes: Although I did just finish with the first cold I've had in about four years that actually made me sneeze, so that was fun. :D

I've never tried to give or catch a cold deliberately, but I do find the idea of infectiousness kind of a turn-on sometimes-like Vetinari said.

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hmm this was a good question....i never really cared if i caught or gave someone a cold...i like to have a cold though, it doesnt bother me and it makes inducing easier, lol....the only person i would want to catch a cold from though would be my partner or else its just :) to me

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Guest silverbirch

I'm one of the few people who feels quite neutral about this. I find the idea of catching a cold from someone specific quite gross but I'm not particularly germaphobic cause I have an "if you're gonna get it, you're gonna get it" attitude. Neither do I find the idea of catching a cold from a lover at all erotic.

I don't like to think of illness in general as something which "leaps" from person to person via a sneeze, or one particular incident. I tend to think we all have a few bugs in our bodies all the time and when our immune system is under par one will start to cause symptoms.

Oh wait, I just thought of something- I would not ever, EVER want to catch a cold from a family member. Hell, NO batman! Maybe because I hate to talk about illness with them, and it would provoke a "Oh you have this cold too, isn't it a blinder!" conversation. I feel queasy just thinking about it :angry: That would be a world away from catching a cold from a friend or random stranger.

Silver x

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Guest LadyErisana

I hate getting colds, too. I had one all week (i couldn't imagine being sick all month wow), and i was SO incredibly miserable it wasn't even funny. I did sneeze once or twice but the misery overpowered the pleasure of the fetish...it was insane. im still a little icky but getting better at least. :-)

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Guest UncommonCold

I absolutely love having a cold. I couldn't care less from whom I get it. Sneezy or not I can enjoy it. I've never tried giving a cold to anyone, though, ... not yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I prefer to be on the receiving end ;) but I like to have a bit of control... like catching the cold in my own time. Usually from someone who have a sneeze I like to watch and/or hear. or someone I might be attracted to :D

Giving back the cold? Hum... I don't think so :hug:

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Guest tiedwithlace

I dont paticulary enjoy having a cold, and the idea of giving a cold to someone doesnt attract me either...I've always tried to be careful when im ill..though that doesnt always happen. ;) I'm gonna go further by saying when i see people who are ill in a confinded space who don't cover thier mouths, I find it bad mannered and inconsiderate to others. :hug:

Strange huh? :D

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wow....uhm...i dont really mind "catching" a cold from someone, as long as i dont have to get it by any really messy means. which is a good thing, since i've recently gotten sick AGAIN (this makes twice in a month) from the SAME friend. she knows about the fetish and keep teasing about it, how she has gotten me sick and sneezy twice now.

as to giving someone a cold...i dont really mind, as long as its just a light one. as mean as i pretend to be, id hate to think of someone suffering because of me.

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i personally hate being sick because i don't want people to know but they ALWAYS do because i always sound TERRIBLE!!!! i hate ESPECIALLY when my fam knows. I wouldn't mind getting like, say, my crush sick or something but I have no idea how i'd do it because i wouldn't want him to know i was sick and i wouldn't want to cough or sneeze around him lol. So i always kind of hide out when i'm sick and i take a bazillion pills to make it go away as fast as i can.

SweetP ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hate being sick, but I'm with the idea that - hmm. I guess that's it. I'm with the *idea* that an enclosed space full of germs, and people coming in can be erotic. And the idea of lovers giving one another a cold (I've written things like that.) But ONLY the idea, the imagining. In real life, it's disturbing in the first case (manners, sick people!) and iffy in the second. I mean, maybe with just the right cold, and just the right person and circumstances. I hate being sick beyond a sneeze or two, and wouldn't enjoy at all the idea that I'd made another person feel unwell.

So I guess this one goes in the file with all the other "love the fantasy, will pass on the reality" things. (Like inflicting an allergen on someone without their knowledge. It can be a great story, very hot, but in real life you could kill somebody.)

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I never catch colds. I never catch anything. Somehow I was born with Superman's immune system. We're talking maybe once every three or four years here.

I know what you mean. If it wasn't for sore throats colds wouldn't bother me in the least.

Oh and here is a weird fact. According to doctors, the only way to catch a cold is for (get ready, it's a little yucky) the mucus of another person to somehow enter into your nose, either by it being airborne after a sneeze or by it being wiped on some surface. The cold virus dosen't travel freely in the air or on surfaces.

Edited by resolution
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