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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I got a bad cold yesterday


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I got a real bad cold now and my nose won't stop tickling and running.

I have to sneeze once or twice every 10 minutes (or earlier) and each time I sneeze I have to blow my nose afterwards soon. And each time it's a ticklimg hell but if feels so great when I finally can sneeze it out again! :wacko:

Anyone else of you out there who is sick, please let us know. because shared sickless appears to be divided sickness.^^

And it's really a pity that no one is here with me tonight to bless me or sth. :angry: *sniff*

Just wanted to share my cold with all of you. >:D

*hAA-ISSscha!" oh damn, I just sneezed while I was posting this. Bless me, please? *sniff* :lol:


Mr.Hankie / Tommy

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Gesundheit! If I were there with you, I'd definitely gesundheit all your sneezes, and I'd be glad to share your cold with you.

Have some tea and some chicken soup, and get some rest, my dear.

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awww bless you!!! hope you feel better...if you ever want to be blessed you can always message me on yahoo....mariahstarr .... bless you again :angry:

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Oh, thank you a lot! :shy:

You don't know how much that means to me ... or maybe you do?! :)

I LOVE to be blessed!

And well ... actually I just woke up and while I was all sleepy I opened my window and kinda mistakingly looked into the bright sunlight (wich often enough in the past appears to keep making me sneeze by photic reflexes all alone) and because my nose was so stuck with the cold, I had to sneeze 3 times in a row (each with a few seconds in between), which is really rare for me! "heh-ESSShuuAh!" A good-feeling triple of harsh and powerful sneezes, all let out at where I stood next to the enlightened window. And each time I sneezes, my body appears to go walky.^^

Puh, and now I feel both great and outpowered ... and better get a kleenex fast ... but hey, can't wait for the next lovely tickle coming to surprise me with more than just one sneeze. Yeah, my colds always rock.^^

If you like, I'll post you every evening how many sneezes I managed to get out of my nose every day (guess the cold will go on another couple of days - hopefully, because even if I feel dizzy, I LOVE sneezing in triples!!!)


Mr.Hankie / Tom

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