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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Irratation In Inducing (Using Objects)


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I'm pretty sure it is inevitable that this post will be outnumbered as far as the people who like inducing v.s the people who don't. But I know there are a handful of people here like me who just can't stand things being poked in the nose. In fact, it kills the whole sneeze for me because of someone poking something in their nose. It's obvious i'm talking about the tissue/hokey pokey in the nose using an object method of inducing, not pepper and such because that is how I would prefer to induce though natural is my favorite. I know there will be alot of post from the side who loves to induce with the tissue and all but spare me the philosophy I already know about. I just want to know who doesn't approve of the particular method of inducing. :wacko:

Edited by Eson
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Watching someone induce does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME. Big time disappoinent with many of the clips people sell. About 95% of them are induced. Pepper, same thing really. I don't mind inducing with perfume, flowers, cat, etc... assuming that there are real allergies involved and that the sneezes are real. Yeah... watching inducing... total waste of time.

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I totally agree!!

Watching someone stick something up their nose is not sexy to me at all

I prefer cold sneezes personally

And I dont mind if someone uses pepper to induce or some sort of allergen but I dont think the tissue thing is that hot for me

Edited by prisma
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I have found that inducing leaves me cold. Unless, as Niceguy noted, the "inducing" takes the form of an allergic person intentionally exposing themselves to their allergen(s), and consequently provoking sneezes. That's a whole 'nother story. :(

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Watching someone induce does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME. Big time disappoinent with many of the clips people sell. About 95% of them are induced. Pepper, same thing really. I don't mind inducing with perfume, flowers, cat, etc... assuming that there are real allergies involved and that the sneezes are real. Yeah... watching inducing... total waste of time.

EXACTLY!!! Almost like every youtube clip and clips sold are induced. It cheapens the whole thing for me. I mean, I know there are people that take a liking to it and its nothing wrong with it, but in my opinon its an absolute bore. Pepper is cool for me, its the sticking things up the nose part that distracts me. As far as natural allergies goes..... :(:):drool:

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i cant watch someone stick anything in their nose either.....but i can still enjoy it, as long as i dont watch.... (not an option with clips, but in person it is) i have a bit of a snot-phobia....and i get really scared that something will be on whatever the inducing implement is when they remove it.....that can freak me out and totally kill it for me....

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Such is the risk you run when you combine a snot phobia with the fetish (I kind of have one too, and it can get messy sometimes... man I suck at puns). I don't usually like (manually) induced sneezes, though I've always stuck to the philosophy that even they're better than ther person not sneezing.

As for the whole intentially exposing onesself to an allergen... I think in most cases I consider that even hotter than if they were to be randomly allergic. So I'd say the tissue method of inducing i sonly sort of a "last resort" for me.

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