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can people control the volume of their sneeze?


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As one who has the ability to sneeze nearly silently or very quietly I wonder why some people sneeze extremely loud sneezes. I am not complaining but do most people with loud sneezes do it because they have the need or is it for attention and simply they just dont care about the volume of their sneeze?

I have also noticed that man in their 50s and 60s sneeze much louder on average then guys in their 20s and 30s.

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I myself think everyone has the ability to control the volume of their sneezes to some extent, I just think some people are just completely oblivious to sneezing and look at is as a natural occurance that they dont think twicfe about the noise they make.......and just for the record "I'm not complaining"....I wish all those pretty girls would let em go loud & proud

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Way back in the eighties, I knew two women.........one, my typing teacher, then later, a neighbour, who could wake the dead in the next city with the volume of their single sneeze.

It's always a mystery why people like this are not pereturbed by the sound they make.........although I doubt stifling would be a good idea in their case.

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i can control my volume, and do depending on the situation.

sometimes, if its a really quiet place/time (like an exam) i just have to let a loud one go... :)

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Guest Callmecrazy

I can usually control the volume.

However, when I induce using the tissue method, I CANNOT stifle to save my life. I've tried, but those are just way too powerful. Anyone else have this going on?

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I think I can control the volume, but it is like a trade-off; less loud - more spray.

Callmecrazy, in my case too inducing produces the most unstoppable sneezes, and also louder than the natural ones.

And yes, it is obvious that the volume of a man's sneeze (don't know about women) rises with age. I wonder why is that?

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I control the volume & the after working on it for a while, the sound of my sneeze :unsure:. Actually I did change my sneezes from loud to medium & a little under medium. Why? Because when I was a kid the feeling of people watching me sneeze felt quite embarrassing :laugh:, so now my sneezes are more... cough-like. That doesn't mean I won't let out a nice loud sneeze whenever I feel like it :laugh:.

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I seem to be the only one that lacks the talent of being able to control volume.

Not that it really matters as mine are usually singles, and are very rare, but still, I can't.

I had one friend who sneezed so loud it would scare the crap out of everyone in the room. It was weird.

She said she couldn't control it. :P

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