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What type of sneeze do you prefer?


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Well seeing as this is the Sneeze fetish forum, I might as well post a topic about Sneezing!

What type of Sneeze do prefer - and how do you sneeze?

My wife takes ages to sneeze... she goes ahh ahh ahhh..... and you basically have time to make a coffee and check your e-mails before she finally goes 'Chooooo'.

Myself on the other hand - I tend to sneeze very suddenly and violently.... usually a big "WHAAAACHOOOOOO"! without any warning - I don't have time to warn anyone around me that I am about to sneeze let alone try to grab my handkerchief!

what do other people do?

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Haha! This is just like me and my husband except he's the one who has ample lead time before a sneeze. He'll say something like, "Oh man, I really have to sneeze," and then he'll stroll leisurely around the house looking for tissues before he actually sneezes. Takes him forever. Like you, I also sneeze very suddenly and I have a HUGE sneeze for a woman. I've been known to stumble into things and knock them over in the aftermath. :lol:

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I'm pretty quick to the sneeze as well, except I usually do have the time to get my hankie out and into position to cover the sneeze. It's a good thing too, because I also have a very loud sneeze, kind of like this: "HERRRRARRSCHHHHHH!"

As to what I prefer, it's really hard to say. I love all kinds of sneezes, although I do tend to prefer loud sneezes that are simply let go with no attempt to stifle.

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I'm a fast sneezer. Very little time to react when I feel a sneeze coming.

I'm glad that I'm like this since I don't want to draw too much attention to myself, but as far as others are concerned, I just adore a LONG BUILD-UP :laugh:

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You guys are so cute! What with the whole husband/wife thingy. ;)

Anyway, I have a boring sneeze I guess. Average buildup, and more on the loud side.


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I pretty much enjoy anything but a screamed sneeze. I'll take quiet, moderate, or loud. I prefer if there is some indication that it's coming, such that I have time to focus on them, but I won't argue if there is no warning.

As for me, I usually know when one is coming and have enough time to warn someone if need be and cover up, but it's rare that it drags out for more than 5 to 10 seconds.

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I rather envy those of you who have a quick build up. I'm like those who go into suspended existence for all the time it takes for the sneeze to build up. Generally about 20 seconds - doesn't sound that long, but when your mouth is open, you eyes half shut and the sneeze already has you in its grips, it's an eternity. To make matters worse, successive sneezes are no quicker in coming.

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I have a long build up, but the thing is, as drawn out as it is, there is never a guarantee that it is going to turn into a sneeze until the VERY LAST MOMENT! Very frustrating. Yep, false-starts are my specialty. Quite embarrassing, in my opinion. I never know whether to "prepare" for the sneeze or not! Once you have committed to overtly "preparing," there's no going back! haha. If you prepare--like whip out a tissue and let the pre-sneeze expression take over-- then not sneezing is ultra-humiliating!!!!!!! I feel strongly about this lol. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I have a specific preference for others sneezing. I'm a fan of the "Ih'hiihhh..." vocalization. When I come across this spelling in fics and pics, it makes me so happy! :yes:

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Guest schneez

hmmm... I hardly ever sneeze. when I do, it's a medium volume single that sounds like "huh-ISHH"

I reeally like long buildups, with the person breathing fast, and little or no vocalization. Then i like a huge fit of little sneezes that go on forever and ever, with little time in between. :cry:

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oooh...i missed this one...

i love :drool: a nice spoken sneeze, anything with that almost harsh, spoken sound....

mine are really varied... sometimes a bit screamy, sometimes a slightly high pithced stifle, sometimes a nice wet "Huh'Isshhuh!" (thats my most common one, always three syllables, and some spray)

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I love long buildups...*wiggles just thinking about it* especially when its an inconvience like in a library.

Mine are very quick at times and not too loud, but I can only sneeze when I am alone, if I am around others, it doesn't happen.

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Guest Callmecrazy

Mmm I love my boyfriends sneezes. He has a VERY long buildup. It's silent. He closes his eyes and sticks his tongue out :sillybounce: Does anyone else do this?

Then he lets out really loud sneezes. Hee!

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